View Full Version : That ackward silence when dining with friends...when the bill comes

02-14-2014, 07:07 AM
There seems to be that awkward silence when you dine with another couple and the waitress asks one bill? What do you do?

Kinda like both parties don't want to say 2 bills please, wondering should I get it all?

Sometimes I feel guilty and take it.

How do you say 2 without feeling like a scrooge?

If I get there before the other party I mention before they show up 2 bills, but a lot of times they make you wait for the whole party.

If we go out with the same couple we have pd one time then her the next but sometimes there is a long period in between and then I forget who's turn it is...lol

How do you not feel awkward?

02-14-2014, 10:39 AM
Ask ahead of time.
When you make plans, ask whose turn it is to pay.

When I go out with friends.....or even my parents.....I never assume they are going to pay for mine.

02-14-2014, 12:41 PM
Ask ahead of time.
When you make plans, ask whose turn it is to pay.

When I go out with friends.....or even my parents.....I never assume they are going to pay for mine.

to me that is tacky?to have to ask...

02-14-2014, 01:26 PM
When the waitress asks, turn to your friend and say, "Should we get 2 bills or just split 1?".

02-14-2014, 02:35 PM
Or as the waitress comes to the table either I or one of my friends will speak up and say "these are separate (bills.)" Because in my group, no one can afford to pay it all. But I do like Pepper's comment.

Jolie Rouge
02-14-2014, 04:10 PM
Ask ahead of time.
When you make plans, ask whose turn it is to pay.

When I go out with friends.....or even my parents.....I never assume they are going to pay for mine.

to me that is tacky?to have to ask...

Why would it be tacky ?? If the ar friends & family ... you should be comfortable enough to ask that question. I do not assume that someone else is going to pay for my meals. If it as a business affair ... that would be awkward. You could always excuse yourself.. and on the way o the powder room ... let the wait staff know it will be separate checks ... or make arrangements to pay the whole bill.

02-14-2014, 06:16 PM
Why would it be tacky ?? If the ar friends & family ... you should be comfortable enough to ask that question. I do not assume that someone else is going to pay for my meals. If it as a business affair ... that would be awkward. You could always excuse yourself.. and on the way o the powder room ... let the wait staff know it will be separate checks ... or make arrangements to pay the whole bill.

If you ask someone who's turn it is to pay kinda seems like well if it is mine then we would go here, but hey if it is your turn then lets go here which could be more expensive...lol...
Today we got there before the other couple I told the waitress before hand so it was no biggie...
But I just don't want people thinking we are cheap or something if we say 2 bills please

Jolie Rouge
02-14-2014, 06:53 PM
If you ask someone who's turn it is to pay kinda seems like well if it is mine then we would go here, but hey if it is your turn then lets go here which could be more expensive...lol...
Today we got there before the other couple I told the waitress before hand so it was no biggie...
But I just don't want people thinking we are cheap or something if we say 2 bills please

Most of our friends are of "modest means" ... so I don't care is someone thinks I am "cheap" ...

The discussion should be more of where are we going ? Oh - we are going to Café Frug'ale The discuss who's turn ... or not... We usually go "Dutch". If I am paying ... I simply see the staff before it is time for the check and take care of the bill out of the sight of the other diners. On one occasion they decieded that some anonymous "Angel" paid for the whole table. The waitress looked at me and winked ... and said nothing more. Everyone then donated for her tip.

02-14-2014, 10:25 PM
If you ask someone who's turn it is to pay kinda seems like well if it is mine then we would go here, but hey if it is your turn then lets go here which could be more expensive...lol...

My best friend and I go to breakfast every couple of months. (She's 2 hours away). We make arrangements ahead of time, and usually have to ask whose turn it is to pay. If it's my turn, I pick where we eat. If it's her turn, she picks. Sometimes we pay for our own.

My other best friend and I eat out about every other weekend. We've known each other long enough to just come right out and ask the other person if they have the money to eat out. Or, one of us will just say "lets go to XXXX, my treat!"

If they're your friends, they're not going to think you're tacky.

But I just don't want people thinking we are cheap or something if we say 2 bills please

You know what I'm going to say here, don't you? :lol

02-16-2014, 05:27 PM
Well I have friends that will "mooch" if I don't say right up front to the wait staff - separate checks please. I don't care if they think I am cheap or tacky. They are the type that will order the most expensive item on the menu and then want to split the bill "evenly" which I quickly put a stop to by pulling out my calculator and telling them their "half" and mine.

Jolie Rouge
02-16-2014, 05:44 PM
Well I have friends that will "mooch" if I don't say right up front to the wait staff - separate checks please. I don't care if they think I am cheap or tacky. They are the type that will order the most expensive item on the menu and then want to split the bill "evenly" which I quickly put a stop to by pulling out my calculator and telling them their "half" and mine.

Absolutley ... I know a few of those as well... which is why I NEVER announce that we're paying.