View Full Version : The Daily Show With Jon Stewart – Louis C.K. COMEDY 7:30PM

01-30-2014, 06:51 AM
What did Samantha Bee do after Barry Ritholtz called two companies the “biggest welfare queens”?
-spat out the beverage she was drinking
What was Pres. Putting doing while shirtless in a photograph, during the “Back in Black” segment?
-sitting on top of a horse
What were actors portraying soldiers in the U.S. military doing, in footage from “Tomorrow Night”?
-talking over the phone
What did Pres. Obama say it was time to do, in footage of him previewing the State of the Union address?
-restore opportunity for all
What did Jon say Louis C.K. did as part of the deal they made when Jon helped fund “Tomorrow Night”?
-gave him a trumpet
What did a reporter say was banned from happening in Russia by laws that were passed, in footage from a news program, during the “Back in Black” segment?
-same-sex couples displaying affection in public
What did Jon and Louis C.K. discuss never having done while appearing on David Letterman’s show?
-touching him on his face
What did a reporter say Pres. Obama was going to do by issuing an executive order, in footage from a news program?
-raise the current minimum wage