View Full Version : The Colbert Report – Michael Chabon and Mariel Hemingway COMEDY 7PM

01-23-2014, 07:45 AM
What did Stephen note that Ernest Hemingway did not do while writing “The Sun Also Rises,” in spite of Hemingway being a “manly man”?
-include sexual elements in the story
What did Stephen note Mariel Hemingway did that he asked if she though Ernest Hemingway would approve of?
-lived a healthy lifestyle
What did Stephen do after noting that he had started the “Colbert’s Book Club” in tribute to Oprah Winfrey?
-held up a cease and desist letter
What did Marel Hemingway say she was doing while she read “A Moveable Feast” at eleven years old?
-spending time in Paris
What did Stephen note that he was doing in honor of Ernest Hemingway,in addition to wearing a “rugged safari outfit”?
-drinking from a wineskin
What did Michael Chabon say the Ernest Hemingway did in his writing, that stayed with readers over the years?
-used adjectives sparingly
What did Stephen jokingly say that Ernest Hemingway did i typing “The Sun Also Rises” during the “Better Know a Hemingway” segment?
-fled from a herd of bulls
What did Stephen say the Ernest Hemingway did in 1968 that led to his death, during the “Better Know a Hemingway” segment?
-shot himself with a gun