View Full Version : The Daily Show With Jon Stewart – Scarlett Johansson COMEDY 7:30PM

01-11-2014, 06:59 AM
What did Jon joke about welfare recipients doing, after a news anchor said they made the equivalent of $12 an hour according to a recent study?
-sitting on the couch eating bonbons
What did a newscaster say that senators suggested that congress do, before Jon joked about a banana?
-eliminate health care subsidies
What did Jon say that he did after he saw Scarlett Johansson’s new movie?
-felt self-conscious around his computer
What did Dean Cain say that he had to do during footage from a news program, after a man in a suit said Cain had once been on unemployment?
-star in less desirable movie roles
What was “Theodore” doing during a scene from Scarlett Johansson’s new movie?
-sitting on the grass outside
What did Jon say that Gov. Christie’s staff members did as they attempted to get back at Fort Lee, New Jersey’s democratic mayor?
-tied up traffic at a bridge
What did Jon do after he joked about Gov. Christie’s apology at a press conference?
-blew into a tuner
What did Gov Christie say that he was doing when he heard about a problem during footage from a press conference?
-showering after a workout