View Full Version : Super Fun Night – Dinner Party ABC 9:30PM

01-09-2014, 02:47 PM
What did Kimmie do, after she said that she needed to stop dreaming of a life with Richard?
-took a picture off of her vision board
What did Richard do after he suggested James go back into Kimmie’s apartment, and told him “don’t be a fool”?
-stepped into an elevator
What did Benji do while Marika and Helne-Alice were sitting on the couch watching his magic act?
-snapped his fingers and disappeared
What did Kimmie do while Richard complained to her about having to attend a fund-raising event with Kendall?
-searched for dinner party tips online
-Samsung (brand of tablet Kimmie was using)
What did Marika do at the apartment, after Kimmie said that Richard is just her “friend”?
-spit her cocktail on the floor
What did Kimmie do after Helen-Alice told her they still had rats in the apartment?
-answered a knock at the door
What did Marika do after she said that Jason and Jasmine sounded like they were “punching eath other with something soft”?
-picked up a folded chair
What did Kimmie do, before telling James that it would be really good practice for riding a motorcycle together?
-chopped celery with a knife