View Full Version : Mike & Molly – School Recital CBS 9PM

12-31-2013, 07:20 AM
What did Mike do after a girl in a pink cardigan said her doll Sophie was her best friend?
-held it up to his shoulder
What did a man in a gray suit do before he leaned in to give Molly a kiss on her lips?
-handed her a flower bouquet
What did Carl do after he told Mike that he should invite “science” into Mike and Molly’s bedroom?
-made a demonstration with his food
In a promotional advertisement during this program, for a show called “Intelligence,” what happened?
-federal agents discussed another agent who was reckless and had a microchip in his head
What happened after Molly said she had everything a mother should have except a child, while she was in the school theater?
-spotlight shown down onto her
What did Vince and Dwight do after Dwight told Vince that he had the money that he owed to Vince?
-competed in an arm wrestling match
What did a boy in a plaid shirt complain that Molly was making him do after Molly told him not to say “stupid”?
-cut out paper tulips
What did Vince say he did while he was attempting to talk Mike into making an investment with him?
-bought a couple of ostriches
What were Mikke and Molly doing while Mike told Molly that she would make a good mother one day?
-shopping at a supermarket