View Full Version : Super Fun Night – Merry Super Fun Christmas ABC 9:30PM

12-26-2013, 06:36 AM
What did Kimmie offer to do as a thank you to a man in a red plaid shirt, before she said that it would not be a bother?
-decorate a tree for him
What did Marika, Helen-Alice, Kendall, Richard, and a man in a red plaid shirt do after Kimmie and Richard talked by a fireplace?
-stood around a piano and sang a carol
In a promotional advertisement during this program, for a show called “Killer Women,” what happened?
-dangerous ranger pursued justice for women who sought vengeance
What did Richard say that he had to do for a whole month, after he said that he must have been in a “delirium” when he challenged Kimmie?
-drive her wherever she wanted
What did Kimmie suggest that they do at a cabin, before Marika suggested that Helen-Alice was “losing it”?
-eat a prepared meal sitting on a table
What did Richard do after he, Kimmie, Marika, and Helen-Alice walked into a vacant cabin?
-picked up a phone and kissed it
What did Kimmie do before she said that she wanted to thank Marika and Helen-Alice for spending Christmas with her?
-fried bacon slices in a skillet
What did Kimmie say that her father did every year around Christmas time, after she said that he left her and her mother when she was eleven years old?
-called her and left messages for her
What did Richard say that Marika proved she could do in confined spaces, as they approached a trailer in the woods?
-become “bold and energetic”