View Full Version : Watchmen TNT 10PM

12-15-2013, 04:15 PM
What did Roschach do in prison when an inmate started a fight with him?
-snapped and broke both of his thumbs
What did Nite Owl do before dropping Silk Spectre onto a rooftop from a flying ship?
-shot out the legs of a water tower
What did Jon Osterman do which led to the accident that made him Dr. Manhattan?
-left his wristwatch in a laboratory
What did the Comedian try to do in a flashback after Silk Spectre punched him in the face?
-rape her over a pool table
What did a giant Dr. Manhattan do that killed Vietnamese soldiers he was fighting against with the Comedian?
-blew them apart with telekinesis
What did a dark figure do to kill Edward Blake after attacking him as he was watching TV?
-threw him through the window of a skyscraper
What did an assassin do after Adrian Veidt hit him with a pillar in his office?
-chewed a poison capsule inside his mouth
What was Roschach doing when Dan Dreiberg discovered him waiting in his home?
-eating a tin of cold baked beans
What did Dr. Manhattan do when Rorschach confronted him in a military base?
-made him disappear by teleportation
What did Dr. Manhattan do after telling Ozymandias that he was very disappointed in him?
-smashed through a ceiling and tried to grab him
new 1-26-14:
What did Rorschach do as he stood outside the scene of Edward Blake’s murder?
-picked up a smiley face pin badge
What did Rorschach do after tracking down the murderer of a young girl?
-hacked his skull with a meat cleaver repeatedly
In a sponsored segment during this show, what did a man named Michael Mills do to contribute to a charity, as you were encouraged to watch him during “Ghost Rider,” before an insurance company was noted?
-completed a grueling obstacle course race, despite being paralyzed from the waist down
-Liberty Mutual
In a sponsored segment during this show, what did a sports broadcaster do, before a professional athlete representing an insurance agency assisted him?
-attempted to dunk a basketball, before crashing through a car windshield
-State Farm

01-27-2014, 07:18 AM