View Full Version : The Colbert Report – Ed Stone COMEDY 7PM

12-05-2013, 06:53 AM
What did Stephen joke to Ed Stone that scientists working with the Voyager exposition did in order to “own” the planets in the solar system?
-licked them like donuts on a tray
What did Stephen do after he came out on stage dressed as an astronaut to thank Ed Stone for his contributions?
-hung a medal around his neck
What did Ed Stone tell Stephen that NASA scientists did recently which put humanity into interstellar space?
-discovered that the Sun’s atmosphere expands
What did Ed Stone do after he told Stephen that the exhausted space shuttles would serve as silent ambassadors?
-pointed to a picture of a gold-plated record
What did Stephen attempt to do when controlling a robot with a tablet device, after he fired his unpaid intern, Jay?
-bring himself a cup of coffee
What did Stephen joke that he could finally do, after he checked his beeper and received a fax message?
-finish downloading a picture of Teri Hatcher
What did Stephen do while discussing a report that Pope Francis dressed in normal priest clothes and administers to the homeless?
-compared him to a comic book superhero
What did a reporter say the FDA plans to do, after Stephen called the FDA “nanny state buzz stompers”?
-ban trans fats from the food industry