View Full Version : Bones – Pilot (updated 12-3-13) TNT 8PM

12-04-2013, 06:03 AM
Thanks to mficke for original post
What did the team discover about the victim after reviewing what medications she had in her system?
-was newly pregnant
What did the team discuss while examining the victim’s body for the first time?
-characters Dr. Brennan used in her book
What did Dr. Brennan do to Booth after discovering the victim’s identity while walking away from the team members?
-attempted to blackmail him
What did Dr. Brennan do when the senator’s aide attempted to burn evidence?
-shot him in the leg
What advice did Angela give Dr. Brennan about communicating with people after asking her out for a drink?
-offer information about herself
In a “Dramatic Difference” segment during this show, what did Stephen Ritz do, as constituents described his impact, before an insurance company was noted?
-taught young adults from the inner city how to grow organic food
What was Dr. Brennan doing that made the security guard at the airport stop her?
-transporting human remains
What did Booth say about the victim after viewing the 3-D imaging?
-was missing senator’s intern
What did Angela do to get the attention of the man behind the ticket desk at the airport
-ripped open her shirt
What did the team agree on about the murderer while watching the reenactment of the crime?
-cared mostly about hiding victim’s identity
What did Dr. Brennan do to Peter when he tried to get his TV back?
-hit him with a baseball bat
What did Dr. Brennan do to the senator to get some of his DNA?
-stole chewed piece of gum
What did Dr. Brennan do after watching the reenactment of the murder?
-went to shooting range
What did Booth say about Dr. Brennan and her team after watching the reenactment of the murder?
-didn’t know about the real world
What did Booth and Dr. Brennan do at the victim’s funeral?
-watched parents put roses on casket
-New York Times
What did Dr. Brennan tell Booth she would need to be able to do in order to work on another case with him?
-have total involvement
What did Booth do with a video camera to show Dr. Brennan the victim’s body at Arlington Cemetery?
-attached it to hose and put it in water
What surprising observation did Dr. Brennan make about the victim before brining the bones to the lab?
-played tennis