View Full Version : The Mentalist – My Blue Heaven CBS 10PM

12-02-2013, 06:01 AM
What were Jane and Kim doing when he told her about his wife’s death, after she remarked that he seemed mysterious?
-strolling down a beach
What did a group of boys ask Jane to do, after he had posted a letter to Lisbon?
-perform one of his coin tricks
In a promotional advertisement during this program, for a show called “Intelligence,” what happened?
-federal agent met and discussed her fellow agent who had a microchip implanted in his brain
What did Agent Abbott do after asking Lisbon whether she had had any contact from Jane?
-pointed to a cowrie shell
What did Jane do while being driven to the FBI field office in Austin, Texas where he was greeted by Cho?
-read from a handwritten note
What was Otero doing when Agent Abbott placed him under arrest, after Jane tricked Abbott?
-purchasing a briefcase of heroin
What did Jane find that Alfredo was doing, after he had failed to take Jane’s breakfast order?
-digging a hole with a shovel
What did Kim do before writing down her home phone number for Jane?
-handed him a paperback book
What did Victor insist that Jane allow him to do, before Jane thanked him and refused?
-sew epaulets onto his shirt
What did Lisbon do before returning to her office and sitting down at her desk?
-delivered a lecture to a class
What did Van Pelt tell Lisbon that she had done, while sitting with Rigsby and Lisbon in Lisbon’s home?
-tracked down a cyber criminal
New 5-3-14:
In a promotional advertisement during this program, for a show called “Extant,” what happened?
-life forms starting from splitting cells and a fetus to a blooming flower appeared in the shape of a planet

05-04-2014, 04:25 AM