View Full Version : Hostages – Burden of Truth CBS 10PM

11-26-2013, 05:44 PM
Note: Ellen drives a silver Volvo
What did Duncan say that Kate did after she was raped thirty-five years ago by Pres. Kincaid in a hotel room?
-threatened to go public with her story
What did Ellen do after she asked “Sally’s” husband for a glass of water?
-stole a phone on a counter
What did Duncan do after he broke into Robert’s apartment and found a sleeping woman in his bed?
-looked at an image of his boarding pass
In a sponsored segment during this show, what did a retail store invite you to watch this weekend?
-special night of family programming that included holiday movies
-Target (sponsor)
What did Kate do in her antique store while Ellen explained who she was and why she was there?
-pointed a shotgun at her
What did Kramer do after Logan left his meeting and was getting into a car?
-traced a cell number on his wireless device
In a promotional advertisement during this program, for a show called “Intelligence,” what happened?
-federal agent met and discussed her fellow agent who had a microchip implanted in his brain
What did Duncan tell Delaney that Logan did, based on information that Sandrine gave Duncan?
-hired a sniper to kill him
What did Duncan do after he claimed that he could not stop the hostage situation?
-read a text message on his phone
What did John say that Boyd did when he criticized him for escaping from his responsibilities?
-shipped out on a fishing boat for three months
What did Kramer do before Morgan asked him where he had buried Boyd?
-gave her a diamond ring in a box
What did Quentin do when he died in a scene from a previous episode?
-suffered from a heart attack