View Full Version : Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – The Well ABC 8PM

11-20-2013, 06:22 AM
What did Agent May tell Skye, and Agents Simmons and Fitz that she was doing on Agent Coulson’s orders?
-sealing the interrogation room door
What did Prof. Randolph say that he did on Asgar for thousands of years which led him to join the Asgardian army?
-broke rocks as a mason
What did Prof. Randolph say that the Berserker Warrior did on Earth which caused him to hide pieces of his staff?
-fell in love with life
What did Prof. Randolph do as he defended an attack from Agent Ward which revealed that he was Asgardian?
-bent the blade of a knife
What was Agent Ward doing when he told Agent May that she should be more careful?
-punching a punching bag
What did Petra do after Jakob had her grip a metal rod which gave her powers?
-pushed away a park ranger
What did Agent Coulson do in an attempt to help Agent Simmons revive Prof. Coulson?
-stuck his hand in his chest
In a sponsored segment during this show, what “declassified” information were you encouraged to access while on the “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” Web site, before a wireless provider was noted?
-recaps, sneak peeks, and social chatter
What happened in a flashback that Agent Ward had after touching the metal rod that Professor Randolph had?
-child struggled to stay above water
What was Agent Ward encouraging Agent Simmons to do as she said that she was “weary” of heights?
Climb up a fallen tree trunk
What did Agent Simmons do after Agent Coulson revived Prof. Randolph?
-answered a call from her father
new 1-14-14:
In a promotional advertisement during this program, for a show called “Killer Women,” what happened?
-dangerous ranger was the only one who could take women murderers down

01-05-2014, 07:06 AM