View Full Version : Dracula – Goblin Merchant Men NBC 10PM

11-09-2013, 03:59 PM
What did Abraham do after telling Simon that he had to destroy the postmortem evidence of the serum in his brain?
-beat him with a hammer
What did Dracula do after leaving Lady Jayne in bed at night?
-passed through a hidden door
What did Lord Laurent do before he walked down a hallway and knelt before the Order?
-set down a toy soldier
What service’s Web site were viewers encouraged to visit to get episodes of the show after Lord Laurent set down a toy soldier?
-Apple iTunes
What did Dracula do in his parlor before telling Renfied that he was thinking about Lady Jayne’s vampire hunting?
-tapped keys on a piano
What did Renfield do before telling Jonathan that he should never again presume to defend him to anyone, while they were on a sidewalk?
-handed him a list of names
What did Mina do while outside with Lucy, after Lucy read from a card?
-picked up a bouquet of roses
What did Mina do after running after Jonathan in the street and wrapping him in a hug?
-proposed marriage to him
What did Mina do when she exited into a courtyard in a dream?
-stood before a floral tree
What did Daniel do after looking at a picture of himself with Lord Laurent?
-loaded a bullet in a gun
What did Abraham do before asking Mina if he was wasting his time with her, while they were in his office?
-offered her a drink