View Full Version : The Crazy Ones – Bad Dad ABC 9PM

10-11-2013, 09:49 AM
Note: Sydney drives a BMW when learning to drive in this episode
What did Sydney say that she always did, which was the reason that she never learned how to drive?
-took up residence in “big” cities
What did Lauren do after Andrew took Zach’s bag of chips out of the garbage?
-showed them a video of a remora
-Buick (new 2-22-14)
What did Simon do before he pulled Sydney out of a room to go to a budget meeting?
-threw her sandwich in the trash
What did Zach start doing while Sydney and Simon were delivering a pitch in the conference room about children’s milestones?
-strumming on a guitar
-Allstate (new 2-22-14)
What did Andrew do after he told Sydney and Lauren that he was one of seven sisters?
-claimed his shoulders were not too hard or too soft
-Crest (dental care brand in Andrew’s print ad)
What did Sydney do after she climbed over a car and refuted the idea that Simon was a “weirdo” or a “nut job”?
-listed off the things he taught her
What were Simon and Sydney doing while Simon said that they were “nowhere near train tracks” and that he brought food this time?
-sitting inside of a tent
What did Simon do in an effort to comfort Sydney while she drove through traffic with him?
-spoke in a different language

11-29-2013, 06:13 AM

02-23-2014, 06:52 AM