View Full Version : Revolution – Love Story NBC 8PM

10-10-2013, 05:47 AM
What did Bass do after Charlie questioned Adam about the warrants he was trying to collect on, and stopped Bass fro killing him?
-struck his face with the butt of a shotgun
What did Aaron do while he tried to convince Cynthia to board a horse-drawn cart?
-leaned in and kissed her
In a promotional advertisement during this program, for a show called “Dracula,” what did a man do?
-embraced a woman while laying in a crowd of women wearing red
What did one of Titus’ soldiers do while Rachel and Miles fought a group of them with a machete and sword?
-fired a crossbow’s arrow into her shoulder
What did a man with a scarred face do as he attempted to gain entry into Willoughby, while the town’s inhabitants were preparing to leave?
-jumped off a wall and scaled a fence
What was Rachel doing after she found Sarah, as a member of their group whot a man who opened up a door?
-unlocking the cage she was in
What did Maj. Neville do after he walked into Jason’s tent and discussed destroying the patriots from within for Jason’s mother?
-used a lighter to burn a photo of her
-Apple iTunes (service to download)
What did Rachel discover that Jessica was doing after she came into her room to check on her, before Gene entered the room?
-bleeding from a wound on her wrist
What was a man in a white shirt doing while Miles was strapped down to a table, as Rachel sneaked into the room through a floor grate?
-pumping out his blood through a tube
What did Miles do as he and Rachel fled from Titus’ army, who had launched a full attack on Willoughby?
-lit the fuse of two exploding barrels
What did Jason do after he woke up on the floor while one of his captors searched through his belongings?
-stole his revolver and threw him down