View Full Version : Mad Men – For Immediate Release AMC 10PM

05-06-2013, 06:34 AM
What did Don do after he stopped Megan on her way to get an aspirin for Marie?
-pulled off her underwear
What did Pete say he did, after telling Trudy that Tom had pulled his business from SCDP?
-caught him in a whorehouse
In a sponsored segment during this show, what did characters do in scenes from “Mad Men” that were presented by an automaker, before cars from different eras evolved into a modern one?
-introduced themselves and greeted people
What did Roger ask Daisy to do after Roger started a conversation with Mikey at an airline terminal?
-bring him an alcoholic beverage
What did Don say that he was not able to do before Herb said that he was done waiting?
-get in contact with Roger
What department store did Peaches say that she always ended up at before Don said that he was not able to get in contact with Roger?
-Saks Fifth Avenue
What did Roger say that he and Don would be doing without Pete before he suggested that Don invite Marie?
-attending a dinner meeting
What did Peggy do as she imagined Abe as Ted?
-leaned in for his kiss
What did Pete do before he accused Don of irreparable harming SCDP?
-slipped on a staircase
What did Ted say that he and Don did before Ted said he was jealous of Peggy for being a copy chief at a top agency before turning thirty?
-went in to pitch ideas together
What did Frank do after he said that he was tired of drawing rockets for an advertising campaign?
-revealed he had pancreatic cancer
What did Roger say that a potential client had done before handing out an information packet about the “XP-887”?
-designed it with a computer

05-06-2013, 11:12 AM
What did Pete do before he accused Don of irreparable harming SCDP?
Slipped on a staircase

05-27-2013, 03:43 AM