View Full Version : What would you do?

04-07-2013, 08:20 AM
My son who is 18 was at a club this weekend. He had on a band that set them apart for being under 21. A server walked up to them with shots. The 3 in his group said no they were not 21. The server said she didn't care she would give it to them, then walked away. She then came back and offered again(more so pressuring them) to have one, for the experience, handed it to them and started do like a 123 drink chant. They did it, :O(

I am so up set with my son that he caved into peer pressure, he told me it was only 1..but now says they will go back and if offered try 1 again...I told him I was disappointed but was glad he could be honest and open with me..but at some point if not my son, other peoples kids are doing more then 1 then driving away...

Do I report this to the local police to have them check into this...As mom, I am angry and disappointed but we cant watch them 24/7..

What would you do?

Jolie Rouge
04-07-2013, 09:16 AM
I would call the police and report them. Do you have an ABC Board ( Alcoholic Beverage Control here ) they control all liquor sales and lic. They will send someone in "undercover" and if they are caught serving - not just selling - to minors they can loose their licenses.

04-07-2013, 10:06 AM
Call the police dept that has that club in their jurisdiction. You can also call ATF and report the same info to them - so that it doesn't slip through the cracks. That is a pretty heavy fine for serving minors not only for the establishment but the server also. ATF Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms.

04-07-2013, 10:45 AM
I would turn them in. It is not right to be serving underage kids and certainly not right to pressure them into drinking. I would be curious to know if it is the club in whole promoting it or just that server. Either way it needs to be stopped.

04-07-2013, 10:56 AM
I agree with everybody else. They know the rules and they shouldn't break them. That'll encourage a lot of underage kids to go there.

04-07-2013, 12:54 PM
As hard as it is owning a small business, even if it is a club/bar, please go to the owners first and tell them that you want HER fired. Trust me, he doesn't want to have his business ruined over some twit who doesn't give a rat's butt about HIS livilihood, so please allow him the chance to fix this problem but tell him you are still allowing your son to go there but there will be no second warnings

04-07-2013, 02:59 PM
My son who is 18 was at a club this weekend. He had on a band that set them apart for being under 21.

That's backwards. The band should be for those OVER 21. Otherwise, the Under 21's go in the bathroom and cut it off.

I never liked that idea anyhow. If it's a club serving liquor, then NO ONE under 21 should be allowed.
Too many temptations......and your son and his friends proved my point.

A server walked up to them with shots. The 3 in his group said no they were not 21. The server said she didn't care she would give it to them, then walked away.

They should be damn thankful that the server wasn't a cop, setting them up!!

.but at some point if not my son, other peoples kids are doing more then 1 then driving away...

Considering what happened to my aunt a year and a half ago, this is one subject you DON'T want to get me started on!!

Do I report this to the local police to have them check into this.

You shouldn't even have to ask this.

What would you do?

Kick some ass and ask questions later

04-07-2013, 03:52 PM
He is not an adult, he is 18. He is still living under your roof, eating your food, sleeping in your beds, all that good stuff, right? Tell him when he is taking care of himself he can do as he wants. Until then, then, I would just tell him he could not go back. Simple. As long as they are at home, you can watch them. Drinking and driving???? tsk tsk, not good mom, not good.

04-07-2013, 04:01 PM
I forgot one other thing...
your son has accomplished SO MUCH in such little time. From what you have said, he wants to be a doctor or lawyer.




NO worthwhile employer will take him seriously after that.

04-07-2013, 05:41 PM
He is not an adult, he is 18. He is still living under your roof, eating your food, sleeping in your beds, all that good stuff, right? Tell him when he is taking care of himself he can do as he wants. Until then, then, I would just tell him he could not go back. Simple. As long as they are at home, you can watch them. Drinking and driving???? tsk tsk, not good mom, not good.
he lives away at school, he is 18 so I really cant tell him where he can go and not go. I can just tell him why he shouldn't and to be careful

I forgot one other thing...
your son has accomplished SO MUCH in such little time. From what you have said, he wants to be a doctor or lawyer.




NO worthwhile employer will take him seriously after that.

and he was the driver too..:O( which really angers me, I know I taught him better.

Called the local police for that area, they said they couldn't help me to call ATF but they are not open on weekends so I have to call tomorrow...

Thanks everyone for your input

04-07-2013, 08:03 PM
If the police won't help and ATF responds the same then go talk to the club owner or manager. Make them aware of what is going on if they don't know. I agree with 3lilpigs. If a club serves booze no one under 21 should be admitted.

Jolie Rouge
04-07-2013, 08:44 PM
A server walked up to them with shots. The 3 in his group said no they were not 21. The server said she didn't care she would give it to them, then walked away. She then came back and offered again(more so pressuring them) to have one, for the experience, handed it to them and started do like a 123 drink chant.

If the server walker up and GAVE them three shots ... then came back and GAVE them three MORE - I highly doubt the owner is unaware. That is $$ flowing out the door... I would call ABC; ATF; and the local cops.

04-08-2013, 03:34 AM
If its a Club, I doubt the owner knows. He/she has a Manager, and would NOT be willing to lose their liquor license. Those can be hard to get, and keep.

04-08-2013, 11:21 AM
I am willing to bet this is a club very near the university your son attends. Underage drinking at these clubs is very common - they fight it in Orlando near UCF all the time. I would bet the owner already knows. Also no server "gives away" shots in any club. They are a very nice money maker for the club and I guarantee you that the owner is aware. Call ATF and let them handle it there is no need for you to get into the middle of it with a club owner. There are some club owners around Orlando that would just shoot you if you threatened to go to ATF.

04-08-2013, 11:29 AM
well after they drank it she goes that will be $3..lol
I called ATF they said they don't handle it and I had to call a local one they gave me a number for..
I called that one and some lady took my info but didn't really seem all that interested..she said I will file your complaint...

Sandy...it was Ybor City,(downtown Tampa)

04-08-2013, 11:31 AM
Called the local police for that area, they said they couldn't help me to call ATF but they are not open on weekends so I have to call tomorrow...

Local police can't help? ATF closed on weekends? Sequester cuts? Law encofrcement should be 24/7....

How about calling the University? Local news?

04-08-2013, 12:19 PM
Local police can't help? ATF closed on weekends? Sequester cuts? Law encofrcement should be 24/7....

How about calling the University? Local news?

All that sounds like a load of crap to me. What do the police mean that they can't help?? Bull schmidt!
And the ATF won't help?

Call the tv stations and tell them this, let them do a report......and THEN see how fast everyone moves!!

04-08-2013, 12:57 PM
well I will never know if they do check it out, I did not want to leave my name with the complaint...Probably the only way I will know is if he is down there again and gets offered it again .IF this happens I will go farther then the local Alcohol division they gave me the number for.

04-08-2013, 08:13 PM
Report them! It won't hurt your son to learn a lesson, but most importantly this place needs to be held accountable!