View Full Version : Blue Bloods : Inside Jobs 2/1 10pm CBS

02-02-2013, 01:25 PM
Bloods : Inside Jobs

Danny investigates when a man covered in rat bites is thrown from a moving vehicle; Frank deals with a bigoted radio host who will be working in New York.

What did Danny do after Mr. Sands told him that he saw Jimmy get thrown out of a car?
Held a rat up by the tail

What did Danny say that he could do, before Richie revealed "Goddess" paid his "fee"?
Charge him with assulting an officer

What did Danny say that Linda did for his tenth wedding anniversary, after Mac said that she read the license plate off of a car?
Bought him a rain coat
Ford Taurus

What did Erin do after Richie positively identified Sofia as "Goddess"?
Received a text message

What did Frank do after he told Henry that he had a meeting with Curtis in his office?
Read a passage from a book

What did Mac do before Danny told her that they would be partnered together?
Handed him a photograph

What did Mac tell Jimmy that she did, before she told Jimmy that the investigating detectives didn't know who he was?
Saw a surveillance tape of him

What did Sgt. Spinner do, after Frank told Curtis that Sgt. Spinner played football for the Kansas State Wildcats?
Walked up on a stage

What did Sophia do......
Applied Lipstick

What did Sophia do before she told Erin that they both grew up in an "alpha male family business"?
Gave her financial disclosure forms

What was a man in a black hat doing before Danny chased him into the street?
Pouring gasoline into a truck