View Full Version : Grey’s Anatomy – Walking on a Dream ABC 9PM

01-25-2013, 05:00 AM
What did Owen instruct Arizona to do in the operating room after she knocked over a metal can off a cart?
-calm the waves that she pictured
What did Owen do after he asked Alana to leave before he spoke with Arizona alone?
-placed a mirror beside her
What did Jo do before Webber suggested that he and Alana get some coffee?
-changed the time on a board
What did Arizona do while she was observing a surgery performed by Alex and Cristina?
-felt pain in the location of her prosthetic leg
In a promotional advertisement during this program, for a show called “Zero Hour,” what happened?
-man attempted to decipher a treasure map and uncover a conspiracy that would rewrite history
What did Shepherd tell Alana that she “typically” needed to do so that she could enter his operating room for a procedure the next day?
-receive an invitation from him
What did Shane do when he and Meredith were harvesting an organ before she yelled at him in the operating room?
-cut into the hepatic artery
What did Shane admit to Meredith that he did when he returned to Brie’s room after Meredith told Brie and Heidi that their baby was fine?
-checked the wrong box for a blood test
What did Shepherd tell Jo to do while they were performing surgery on Jimmy?
-drench his tissue with water
What did Alana propose the hospital should do in order to cut costs while she met with the staff members?
-close the emergency room
What did Owen order Alex to do in the operating room as Alana walked back into the viewing booth?
-stab Arizona in her foot