View Full Version : The Colbert Report – Kathryn Bigelow COMEDY 7PM

01-24-2013, 07:47 AM
What did Kathryn Bigelow say that she had to do in order to tell the story in her movie respectfully and honestly?
-include scenes of enhanced interrogation
What did Stephen, as “Buddy”, do in a scene from “Quintet”?
-played the spoons on his knee
What did reporters in news footage say that Pres. Obama did in his inaugural speech?
-advocated for a “big” government
What did Dustin Hoffman say that he had to do, after Stephen started talking about making a sequel to “Quintet”?
-cut him out of it during editing
What did Stephen ask Kathryn Bigelow if she would do in the next movie she directed?
-pick a less controversial topic
What did Stephen say that Lord Grantham did in “Downtown Abbey” which made him a great man to work for?
-paid for the medical clinic in the village
What did Stephen say in “The Word” segment that Republicans did in 2010?
-redrew congressional district lines
What did Kathryn Bigelow apologize for doing before she said that she had been “spooked” by a U.S. Senate investigation?
-canceling an appearance on the show

01-29-2013, 07:07 AM