View Full Version : Bones – The Corpse on the Canopy FOX 8PM

01-22-2013, 07:20 AM
What did Brennan say that she did before Camille said that Freeman may have “died from pain”?
-identified needle marks on his vertebrae
What did Pelant do after Brennan told Angela to focus on stopping Pelant in order to deal with her fears?
-put his image on an identification card
What did Angela do in order to distract Pelant from a computer search for his new alias?
-sent spam e-mails to him
What did a man wearing glasses do after Pelant called Brennan on the phone and said he would give her a “hint”?
-found a finger in an envelope
What did Pelant do as dogs barked in cages nearby, after Booth said he was uncomfortable waiting for Pelant to make the next move?
-stitched up a wound on his cheek
What did Lance do before he took a photo out of a frame at Freeman’s apartment?
-looked inside his refrigerator
What kind of SUV did Booth and Lance travel in, before they inspected Freeman’s apartment and Lance looked inside his refrigerator?
What did Dr. Hodgins say that he planned to do in order to get messages to the FBI?
-use an Enigma machine to send them
What did Booth say that he wanted to do after Dr. Hodgins said that Pelant was targeting them directly?
-work within the legal system
What did Booth do after Pelant hot-wired a car in the parking garage and began driving away?
-shot through his rear window
What did Angela do after she ran into Michael’s room and lifted him out of his crib?
-found flower petals around the pillow
New 6-28-13:
What did Pelant do before Booth said that there was an alternated exit in the Serberus building?
-appeared in multiple surveillance videos
What did Dr. Hodgins say that Pelant was doing, before Dr. Hodgins told Angela that she couldn’t disconnect from the Serberus servers?
-draining his financial accounts

06-29-2013, 05:46 AM