View Full Version : The Following : Pilot 1/21 @8:59pm FOX

01-22-2013, 04:18 AM
Synopsis: Former FBI agent Ryan Hardy is drawn out of retirement when serial killer Joe Carroll escapes from prison; the investigation reveals that Carroll has a cult following.

What did Carroll do after playing a recording of Sarah screaming for Hardy?
Dropped her from the ceiling

What was Carroll doing while he was inside a detention center cell when he told Hardy that Sarah had to die?
Sitting with his hands shackled to a table

What did Hardy do while talking alone with Claire at her home, before she said that Carroll was "always teaching"?
Read a letter written by him

What did Hardy do after he told Carroll that his new book would need a "rewrite" if it did not end with his death?
Bent back his fingers

What did Hardy do in Jordy's house while Weston sat at Jordy's computer?
Looked at fliers for missing dogs

What did Hardy do after entering Sarah's bedroom with Mason and Det. Warren?
Removed a piece of the closet wall

What did Hardy do before leaving his apartment in Brooklyn?
Poured vodka into a water bottle

What did Sarah and Annie do, in a flashback to 2003, before he found Sarah lying on the ground?
Bumped into him on a sidewalk

What did Weston do in the mobile command center after he and Hardy discussed Edgar Allen Poe's last words?
Offered him a breath mint

What did a woman with black hair do after removing her clothes at the mobile command center?
Stabbed herself in her head

01-22-2013, 04:19 AM
In a commercial during this show, what happened as a man parked his crossover by his cabin in the woods?
Puppy turned into a grown dog as he later returned with a wife and then a child strapped in a car seat
Offers helpful dependability

In a commercial during this show, what did a telecommunications provider do to offer "powerful answers," as various scenes were featured, including employees working in a white room?
Developed a projective display that gave firefighters the ability to see through anything, as firefighters battled a blaze
They meet the world's biggest challenges with advanced, innovative tools

In a commercial during this show, what was discussed about a vehicle that could "go where we've never gone before," before it drove out of an empty room?
How it was built with courage, inspiration, and determination as it was formed from drops of black liquid in a pool of water
Toyota Avalon
Is completely redesigned

In a commercial during this show, who discussed an insurance company's service while speaking in a deep voice that was not her own?
Young girl who approached her father, before being praised as a "smart kid"
Provides accident forgiveness

In a commercial during this show, what did a family do before you were encouraged to "say no to sharing" by a wireless provider?
Argued over the fairest way to make a financial decision, before the mother said that she just wanted to take a bath
Offers an unlimited data plan

In a commercial during this show, what did various people, including a mechanic and a real estate agent, discuss about their small business relationship with a shipping company as dramatic music played?
How owning it made them "the boss" and they often worked alone, but they also received a lot of help
Has locally owned and operated branches

In a movie commercial during this show, who was Sylvester Stallone in intense scenes, some of which featured Christian Slater?
Hit man who teamed up with a cop to bring down a mutual enemy that kidnapped his daughter
“Bullet to the Head”

In a movie commercial during this show, who was Halle Berry as she interacted with Abigail Breslin and others in dramatic scenes?
Emergency operator who begged a serial killer to spare the lives of young girls
"The Call"

In a movie commercial during this show, who was Bruce Willis in intense action scenes?
Cop who traveled to another country to help his son before they teamed up while firing guns and dodging explosions
“A Good Day to Die Hard”

In a movie commercial during this show, who were Jeremy Renner and Gemma Arterton in intense scenes based on a classic tale in another time?
Brother and sister who battled a coven of evil witches using a crossbow and other weapons
"Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters"

In an advertisement you may have seen on the Internet, what was noted about a wireless provider after a box labeled "more" was checked because "more is better"?
How its phones were quick for better multi-tasking, as app icons popped up
Covers thousands more locations than its competitor

01-26-2013, 03:40 AM
What did Agent Mason do before she said that she had looked at Hardy's file and knew that he did not "play well with others"?
Recited a note he found

What did Sarah do, before a flashback to the night in 2003 that Carroll was in her house?
Touched scars on her torso

02-09-2013, 08:09 AM

06-01-2013, 12:29 AM