View Full Version : Bones – The Archaeologist in the Cocoon FOX 9PM

01-15-2013, 02:38 PM
What did Dr. Edison speculate that Homosapiens and Neanderthals were doing while talking to Brennan about bone remains?

-living in a cave using each other’s resources

What did Brennan do when she examined a bone in Dr. Sutton’s storage unit, before discovering the remains in the unit were thousands of years old?

-rested it on her tongue

What artifact did Lance ask if Wayne bought from Dr. Sutton, before Wayne said he owned a museum?

-dinosaur eggs that were fossilized

What did Brennan and Camille find out that Dr. Sutton’s publisher did in order to kill him?

-sliced his axillery artery

What did Dr. Hodgins say he believed Marina’s father did about two months prior to Dr. Sutton’s death?

-flogged him with a knout

What did Camille say Dr. Hodgins had to do, after he said he didn’t want to get “in between” Brennan and Dr. Edison?

-analyze a lot of particulates

What kind of SUV did Booth and Brennan travel in to see Dr. Sutton’s publisher, after Camille said Dr. Hodgins had to analyze a lot of particulates?


What happened after Brennan sliced into the cocoon when she convinced Dr. Hodgins to allow her to find Dr. Sutton’s cause of death?

-worms fell out of it onto her face

What did Booth do before Dr. Sutton’s publisher admitted that she killed him?

-noticed she was missing a bookend

What were Brennan and Lance attempting to do, before he agreed to drop Christine off at daycare?

-play peekaboo with her

What did Dr. Edison do before he told Angela that a Homosapien and a Neanderthal conceived a child together?

-compared a few of her drawings

06-15-2013, 06:17 AM