View Full Version : The Colbert Report – Neil Shubin COMEDY 7PM

01-11-2013, 06:33 AM
What did McGnaw pretend to do, before Stephen said that he was not sure it was a “good idea”?
-eat a piece of wood
What did Neil Shubin do while he answered Stephen, before Stephen asked Shubin if he were “mocking” him?
-waved his hands up in the air
What did Stephen do after an actor in a beaver costume apologized and admitted he was “on edge”?
-tossed him a few hot dog buns
What did Stephen say that people interested in joining the Citadel community must do, after he said to submit an application online?
-pay a fee in gold and/or silver
What did Wayne LaPierre call on members of the U.S. Congress to do in footage, after Stephen said it would “reassure” the nation?
-place police officers in every school
What did Stephen say that Neil Shubin was “known” for doing scientifically, before Stephen held up a copy of Shubin’s book?
-finding a “missing link” between fish and land animals
What did Stephen tell Neil Shubin that scientists are doing, before Shubin said that it was not about “feelings”?
-crushing the “individuality” of a man
What did Stephen say that Vice Pres. Biden was going to do, after Stephen said Pres. Obama appointed him to do so?
-head up a gun safety task force