View Full Version : The Mob Doctor – Sibling Rivalry FOX 9PM

01-01-2013, 09:19 AM
What was Constantine doing as he told Stavos a story from his time in prison?
-peeling the skin off a plum
What did Constantine do before he told Celeste that Dante was the bomber?
-poured two glasses of champagne
What did Olivia do as she attempted to diagnose Tiffany’s condition, before Tiffany noted that she was allergic to morphine?
-felt around her abdomen
What did Ro do when she visited Grace as Grace attempted to help Nate and Vic?
-handed her a bag of green apples
What did Vic do after Nate took a picture of him as he was crouched over a horse?
-pulled out a black revolver
What did Celeste explain to Constantine that she did which forced a member of the bomb squad to “keep his mouth shut”?
-videotaped him in a compromising position
What did Constantine do while interrogating Jimmy, who was strapped to a table?
-bashed him with a crowbar
What did Dr. White explain that Jack did, when Jack arrived at the hospital in an ambulance?
-suffered a head injury while cycling
In a promotional advertisement during this program, for a show called “The Following,” what happened?
-Fans gave reviews in between action-packed scenes involving crimes
What did Carol say that Jack did nine days prior, after Brett confronted her about the affair she was having with Jack?
-received a tattoo in Barbados
What did Mark say that he would be able to do in thirty minutes, after he received an update on Jack’s condition from Brett and Grace?
-obtain surveillance footage from a courthouse