View Full Version : Elementary – The Leviathan CBS 10PM

12-14-2012, 10:15 AM
What did Watson do before Holmes said she was dressed like she was “going to a job interview”?
-picked up her keys
What did Mr. Erlich and Homes do while Mr. Erlich said he thought there was a fifth conspirator to help break into the Leviathan safe?
-sat at a table with coffee mugs
What did Holmes do before telling Det. Bell that there was no need to look for Alex with all of the “coffin flies around”? [actually, this was AFTER telling him about the flies]
-lifted up some cardboard
What did Holmes do after taking off his jacket while standing in Peter’s house with Watson?
-smashed a picture frame
What did Watson do while saying Audrey did “everything she could” to help out people with leukemia?
-pointed to a green ribbon
What did Holmes say that the four thieves had “apparently” done while planning a heist?
-made a run for coffee
What did Watson do while Holmes told her that he would never suggest that he was still the smartest person in the world?
-emptied out champagne bottles
What did Mr. Erlich do while standing in the front door, after asking Watson if Holmes lived there?
-held up a black card
In a sponsored segment during this show, what were viewers of “Survivor: Philippines” encouraged to do, as a wireless device appeared on an illustrated island background?
-Vote for the show’s player of the season
Who sponsored this segment?
What did Holmes do while Capt. Gregson said that Holmes thought Justin had been killed after stealing $40 million in diamonds?
-played a tune on a piano
What did Homes read that Justin had listed he did previously, before asking Watson if they should see if Justin was familiar with Maubeuge?
-worked as a software engineer
New 4-10-13:
What did Holmes say that Peter had done, before showing Watson a photograph of Greek silver tetradrachms that Peter, as “Le Chevalier,” had stolen?
-fashioned two of them into cuff links
New 8-15-13:
What did Holmes do after Watson asked him if he was willing to admit he could not think his way past the vault door?
-swung an axe at its keypad

04-18-2013, 06:50 AM

04-18-2013, 08:51 AM
What did Holmes do after Watson asked him if he was willing to admit he could not think his way past the vault door?THANKS!
Swung an ax at its keypad

08-16-2013, 08:23 AM