View Full Version : The Daily Show With Jon Stewart – R.A. Dickey COMEDY 7:30PM

12-06-2012, 04:24 PM
What did the Mets’ R.A. Dickey say he has been doing, after Jon congratulated him on his Cy Young Award during his interview?
-hoping to remain on the same team
What were a man and woman doing in montage footage before Jon discussed the “totally solvable budget problem”?
-jumping off a rocky cliff
What did Jon report the Mets’ R.A. Dickey recently did, while introducing him before his interview?
-appeared in a new documentary
What did Jon say the Republicans did at their convention, while discussing the 2012 election?
-highlighted their gender and ethnic diversity
What did Jon do while discussing Candice Miller’s position as Chair of the House Administration Committee, before calling her a “Housewife”?
-listed her new responsibilities
What did Jon say the Mets’ R.A. Dickey has to be able to do, after Jon joked about Dickey’s teammates calling him “Poindexter”?
-master a very difficult pitch
What did Jon suggest Republicans and Democrats were doing, while discussing the ongoing debate of the budget problem?
-spray painting the side of a camel
What was Joseph Stalin doing in an altered picture, after Jon discussed Pres. Obama being disappointed with the GOP’s counteroffer?
-holding an eagle in the nude

12-11-2012, 01:45 PM