View Full Version : Criminal Minds: Run 5/16 10pm

05-17-2012, 12:07 PM
Criminal Minds: Run

In the conclusion of a two-part season finale, the BAU continues to pursue the bank-robbing serial killers and the team determines the suspects have a bigger target.

What did Chief Strauss thank Morgan for confronting her about doing, before saying he had changed her life?
Drinking too much alcohol

What did Chris do after he told Izzy that the FBI said she had somebody else as partner, before Chris said they should kill Will?
Pointed a pistol in her face

What did Dr. Reid and Kevin watch happen on a video monitor, before Reid said he had to "get over there"?
Flames exploding from a bank's window

What did Garcia say that Matthew did, before Matthew met up with Izzy and Will and told Will to drive because he "knew the way"?
Received a dishonorable military discharge
GMC Yukon XL

What did Izzy do after she received a phone call and told Chris there was a change in location, after Chris demanded to know the plan?
Shot him repeatedly in the abdomen

What did J.J. do after she and Morgan burst through a door and into a brick alleyway?
Picked a wallet up off the ground

What did Morgan, Hotch, and Prentiss do after crossing through police barriers?
Spread out inside of a train station

What did the guests do at J.J. and Will's wedding reception following the ceremony?
Danced around on a dance floor

What did Will tell Kate that Izzy was going to do, after Izzy lied and introduced herself as Will's cousin?
Serve as his babysitter

What was Henry doing before Izzy walked over to him and started singing a song?
Drawing on a paper with crayon

What were Margan and J.J. doing before Morgan said they would be "screwed" if they had been tricked?
Shining flashlights down a dark corridor

09-13-2012, 08:53 AM

06-01-2014, 05:44 AM

06-01-2014, 10:42 AM
What did Hotch tell Garcia to do, after Prentiss told the team that "Lady X" stole a sedan from Scotland Yard eight years earlier?
Research assassination attempts in Chad

08-23-2014, 06:03 AM

08-08-2015, 08:40 AM