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04-20-2012, 02:10 PM
The Vampire Diaries: Heart of Darkness

Damon and Elena learn that Jeremy has been hanging out with the wrong crowd; Klaus and Stefan go on am agressive search for their missing weapon; Tyler is suspicious of Caroline and Klaus.

What did Damon do after he told Elena that he didn't want to have to "live up" to anyone's expectations?
Held her hand while in bed

What did Damon tell Stefan that he and Elena were doing while they waited for a response from Rose?
Hiding out in a motel

What did Elena and Damon do before Stefan repeatedly hit Alaric in the hope that his alter ego would emerge?
Found Mary staked to a wall

What did Klaus say he was waiting to do after Stefan said that Klaus did not want to kill him?
Watch his "ripper" side return

What did Kol do after he said that he knew Damon was trying to find out who he descended from?
Struck him repeatedly with a baseball bat

What did Matt do before Rebekah asked him why he was being nice to her?
Gave her a ride home

What did Rebekah do before Esther revealed that she was "dying"?
Pushed her up against a wall

What did Rebekah say Matt did that cause Caroline to call him a "traitor"?
Loved her decade themed party idea

What did Stefan do after he entered the locked room that Alaric was being contained in?
Handed him a bottle of alcohol

What were Damon and Elena doing before Jeremy told them that Rose tracked Mary down in Kansas?
Kissing on a balcony

In a sponsored segment during this show, what were viewers of "The Vampire Diaries" encouraged to do on a Web site, after a wireless provider was noted?
Download an application that can be used to make one look like a show's character

Also Damon and Elena drove a Ford and AT&T sponsors the show.

09-07-2012, 12:44 PM