View Full Version : Glee : Big Brother; 04/10/2012 08:00 PM EDT , FOX

04-11-2012, 09:33 PM
Synopsis: Blaine's hot-shot actor brother, Cooper (Matt Bomer), visits Lima.What did Kurt do while Blaine was at his locker, after Sue referred to the New Directions as "sloppy babies"?
Vocalized for a stuffed dog

What did a group of seniors do at an amusement park while Quinn and Artie sang in a skate park?
Climbed onto a roller coaster

What did Puck do after he asked Finn to hang back following a meeting about the senior "ditch day"?
Laid photographs on a table

What did Becky tell Sue to try to do, as a "parenting tip," after Sue hugged Becky?
Work on her patience

What did Quinn do that Artie compared to "having a baby," before she said it was one of the "hardest things" she had ever done?
Ascended the incline of a ramp

What did Sue ask Cooper to do after Blaine introduced Cooper to Kurt?
Sign his autograph on her body

What did the doctor do while Sue was at her appointment with Will and Emma?
Revealed her fetus was female

What did Cooper say that people do when they are "really emotional," before Blaine said he was giving "terrible advice"?
Point their fingers a lot

What did Cooper say that he would do the following day, before Blaine agreed to sing with Cooper?
Teach a master class in acting

What did Blaine do as he was singing about strength while Cooper watched him from a doorway?
Punched a heavy bag with gloves

What did Sue do after she caught Mercedes texting on her phone during a rehearsal?
Threw it into the balcony