View Full Version : The Real Housewives of Orange County : Bowling for Champs , BRAVO

04-11-2012, 07:26 AM

Synopsis:* Eddie stands by Tamra through her surgery; Jim wants Alexis to be a stay-at-home mom again; Heather invites the girls to a bowling party.

What did Heather say she did, before she told Tamra about her plans for a bowling party?
Enjoyed participating in a "mud run"

What did Vicki say she did not want to do, after she and Brooks arrived at Heather's champagne bowling party?
Fight after a confrontation

What did Vicki do that she deemed "totally embarrassing" during Heather's champagne bowling party?
Fell to the ground

What did Vicki say that Brooks did, before Vicki said that he was romantic and the opposite of Don?
Slipped a card into her purse

What did Tamra say she did, before Gretchen gave her risqué gift after her surgery?
Wore her lip gloss to bed

What did Alexis do during her news segment before stating that Adria O?Donnell was an adolescent psychologist?
Mispronounced her first name

What did Alexis say she was doing, after Heather invited to a champagne bowling party?
Recovering after a recent surgery

What did Alexis and Jim do, before he talked about how he and Alexis should be of "one flesh" Biblically?
Dined at a restaurant

What did Rachel ask Gretchen to do, after Gretchen worried about her injury not healing?
Practice a section over and over

What did Tamra say that she never did during her marriage to Simon?
Made her own decisions freely

What did Sarah do, before Heather presented an award to Vicki for winning a bowling competition?
Accused her of acting mean

What did Gretchen do before Slade complained that Gretchen talked to her girlfriends too much?
Rehearsed for an upcoming Las Vegas show


04-11-2012, 11:45 AM
Rehearsed for an upcoming Las Vegas show

04-11-2012, 07:50 PM
Thanks slushing & CodeSS for this very valuable post!

What did Alexis do during her news segment before stating that Adria O?Donnell was an adolescent psychologist?
Mispronounced her first name/ViewSonic/O'Neill

What did Alexis do in scenes of the next episode, after Vicki visited Tamara at home?
Complained about going camping

04-13-2012, 02:40 PM
What kind of necklace was Heather wearing after Alexis said she was recovering after a recent surgery?

04-14-2012, 10:57 PM