View Full Version : Being Human : It's My Party and I'll Die if I Want to

04-10-2012, 10:57 AM
What did Aidan tell Henry to do after killing the guards around Mother's cellar, while she's sleeping?
Tie a red rag around a tree branch

What did Sally say she did, while sending a message through an old radio, after she had crossed to "Limbo"?
Committed a big mistake

What was the Reaper doing after Sally gave Josh their "one and only hug"?
Leading on the hood of a car

What did Suren do after she told Aidan that he was her weakness?
Kissed him and then left

What did Sally say she did, after informing Rena that she wanted to go to "Limbo"?
Ruined "dozens" of lives

What did Nora say that Josh could do if he killed Ray?
Cure everyone in the bloodline

What did Mother do before presenting Aidan in front of Suren during the meeting?
Announced her as the new successor

What did Sally tell Josh that he would have to do if he shot Ray?
Burn her favorite shirt

What did Henry tell Aidan that the mother was doing now that Boston was "under control"?
Leaving the country for years

What did Mother do after Suren collapsed to her feet and admitted that she loved Aidan?
Stabbed her in the chest

What did Ray do after Josh heard Nora calling out to him from inside of an abandoned house?
Escaped through a door

04-13-2012, 10:58 PM

cookie 02
04-14-2012, 10:52 AM
What did Ray do after Josh heard Nora calling out to him from inside of an abandoned house?
Escaped through a door

What did Henry tell Aidan that Mother was doing now that Boston was "under control"?
Leaving the country for years