View Full Version : Tabatha Takes Over : Barkingham Palace: West Hollywood CA, BRAVO

03-14-2012, 08:52 AM

Synopsis:* Tabatha needs to help Tee & Tania stop arguing over management long enough to save their doggie daycare and grooming business.

What did Tabatha say that Jason did while cleaning up a mess, after Tabatha presented
footage from a hidden camera to Tania and Tee?
Tracked it all over the floor

What did Tabatha suggest that Nik was doing, before Tabatha asked how she, Brenda, and Jason felt about the quality of "customer service"?
Sitting on a dirty couch

What did Tabatha recommend that Tee do in order to prevent Tania from always being in the shop?
Bring in a new manager

What did Nik suggest Tania was trying to do during their discussion about Newton's grooming?
Bait her into an altercation

What did Andrew suggest was one of the best things Tania could do to discipline her dogs?
Learn and teach their individual names

What did Tania do in video footage, before Tabatha asked her why she was doing it?
Sprayed water from a bottle

What did Brenda say that Tania wanted to do in the break room rather than assist the staff?
Work on plucking her eyebrows

In a "Makeover by Bravo" segment during this show, what tip did Jenni Pulos give you to make a home "fresh, clean, and inviting," after an air freshener was noted?
Decorate a room with three main colors
Glade Sense & Spray

What did Tabatha say had happened when she returned to Barkingham Palace for a second time to see whether progress had been maintained?
Staff appeared to be demoralized

What did Tee do after Tabatha suggested she take out some of her frustrations?
Smashed an armrest with a sledgehammer

What did Tania say she did when she discussed Nik's work on Newton after Tabatha came to speak with her?
Noticed stray hairs sticking up


03-15-2012, 07:18 AM
What did Tabatha tell Tania that Jennifer wanted to do, after Tabatha presented video footage from earlier that day?
Take a tour of the facility

What did Tabatha recommend that Tee do in order to prevent Tania from always being in the shop?
Bring in a new manager

03-22-2012, 12:24 AM