View Full Version : Grimm: Pilot

12-24-2011, 07:31 AM
What did Nick see Monroe do which made him think that he was the one who abducted Robin?
-Flare his wolf-like nostrils

What did Nick see a prisoner do at the police station which distracted him and made him run into Sgt. Wu?
-Hiss and stick out his reptilian tongue

What did an investigator tell Nick that he would normally be able to do after showing Nick a key piece of evidence?
-Analyze an animal's tracks

What did Hank say that Sylvia set out to do the morning before she was murdered?
-Jog down a paved trail

What did Holda do to attack Marie before Nick shot and killed him?
-Swung an oversized scythe

What did a blonde woman do at the hospital after Nick stopped her from doing it to Marie?
-Injected him with a green substance

What did Nick see Monroe do while Nick was lurking outside Monroe's house?
-Urinate in a bed of flowers

What was the postman doing as Hank and Nick searched his house which caused them to reenter it after leaving?
-Humming a certain song
-Apple ipod

What did Capt. Renard say that Robin was doing when she was abducted which Nick recognized that Sylvia was also doing?
-Wearing a red sweatshirt

What did Monroe tell Nick he does for a living which he felt indicated that he had nothing to do with Robin's abduction?
-Constructs clocks and watches

01-08-2015, 05:33 AM