View Full Version : Why we are "broke" ...

Jolie Rouge
09-21-2011, 02:39 PM
$16 muffins, $8 coffee served in Justice audit
By JoAnne Allen | Reuters – 8 hrs ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As the U.S. government grapples to find ways to trim the bloated federal deficit, a new report suggests officials might start with cutting out $16 muffins and $10 cookies. "We found the Department (of Justice) spent $16 on each of the 250 muffins served at an August 2009 legal conference in Washington," said a DOJ Office of Inspector General report released on Tuesday.

The DOJ spent $121 million on conferences in fiscal 2008 and 2009, which exceeded its own spending limits and appeared to be extravagant and wasteful, according to the report that examined 10 conferences held during that period.

The review turned up the expensive muffins, which came from the Capital Hilton Hotel just blocks from the White House, as well as cookies and brownies that cost almost $10 each.

The department spent $32 per person on snacks of Cracker Jack, popcorn, and candy bars and coffee that cost $8.24 per cup at another conference, the report said.

The DOJ also spent nearly $600,000 for event planning services for five conferences, the document said.

A Justice Department spokeswoman said most of the gathering were held when there were no strict limits on food and beverage costs, adding the DOJ had taken steps since 2009 "to ensure that these problems do not occur again."

Word of the agency's extravagant spending drew a swift response from Capitol Hill.

Senator Chuck Grassley, the senior Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee which has oversight of the Justice Department, said the report was a blueprint for the first cuts that should be made by the "super committee" searching for at least $1.2 trillion in savings. "Sixteen dollar muffins and $600,000 for event planning services are what make Americans cynical about government and why they are demanding change," Grassley said in a statement. "People are outraged, and rightly so."

http://news.yahoo.com/16-muffins-8-coffee-served-justice-audit-023623142.html;_ylt=AjaCIzkKmn21KYul9V3ea.v09XQA;_ ylu=X3oDMTRzaGFvYnFnBGNjb2RlA2N0LmMEbWl0A0FydGljbG UgTW9zdCBQb3B1bGFyBHBrZwMyMDVjYjI5MS1kNzZkLTMxODkt YjQ3Zi03ZjY1NzFjYWJmMTAEcG9zAzQEc2VjA01lZGlhQkxpc3 RNaXhlZE1vc3RQb3B1bGFyQ0EEdmVyA2MyMmQ2MTQwLWU0NTIt MTFlMC1hMWZiLTRiY2ExNjJmZDJkNg--;_ylg=X3oDMTJ2aTN2YmlwBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRw c3RhaWQDMGNkODc2ODEtOGUyNC0zOGQxLWJkM2UtZjYyYzU2Nz QzNGQzBHBzdGNhdANoZWFsdGgEcHQDc3RvcnlwYWdlBHRlc3QD ;_ylv=3


This story hasn't changed in 50 years with these people. $600 hammers by the DOD back in the '70's to $16 muffins by the DOJ today. It all boils down to the way they appropriate their annual budgets. If they don't spend it this year, they don't get it next year. The only way they'll fix this is to eliminate as much of upper management as possible in all of these government organizations, replacing them with budget-minded honest people that only have the taxpayer's interests at heart. Good luck with that.


I work in local government and we have had to pool together for coffee, water, refrigerator, microwave, and cleaning services. We make things and bring to the office ourselves. How is this not possible at federal level.


What about free cell phones to welfare recipients? Cut cut cut.....


The government has always abused their spending power so this is nothing new to me and the millions of people who keep up with crap like this. I remember a long time ago before there were household computers available to everyone I read about the spending of crazy amounts for commode seats,screws and screw drivers etc etc etc stuff like that and I remember the price for the commode seat to be $600 and like I said it was in the early 80's when this was going on. Payroll,unnecessary items like that is the reason why the deficit is where it is. They started screwing it up from the very beginning and havent stopped yet and they never will.We have always been screwed by the government and always will be.


I am baking some muffins now!!!

09-21-2011, 04:13 PM
I want the muffin/coffee contract. I'll even throw in some fruit. ;)

Even better......let their meals be supplied from the same vendors and same menu as the school, of course with the addition of folgers/maxwell house coffee, not starbucks.

snacks of Cracker Jack, popcorn, and candy bars

:shrug: They can't bring in their own candy bars? Seriously.........or get them a vending machine to purchase from. Just like a working person's office.

09-21-2011, 04:18 PM
Yeah we could charge them half what they did and still make really good. Its ridiculous what they are willing to pay for stuff. All the while everyone is talking about how they need to cut costs.

09-21-2011, 05:25 PM
Why are we even supplying meals? snacks?
They can't afford meals on their salaries?

That's what they do in corporate American to "romance" the business. Do we need to "romance" our government workers? Shouldn't they be working just as hard and getting the same shake as those they represent and who sent them there?

But if we must, they should get the same options that the government (they) recommend to the people (our children). School food or a vending machine.

How's that microwaved greasey "grilled" cheese sandwich? or the mystery meat burger (aka tasteless hockery puck on whole wheat gritty tasteless bun)? - If that were ever to happen, I'm sure the school children would be getting $16 muffins for breakfast.

We should start a petition. :lol

Jolie Rouge
09-23-2011, 10:14 AM
They could go to Sam's and get the big package of "Otis Spunkmiers'" Muffins and cookies .... right tasty and safe a huge chunk of change...

09-23-2011, 11:20 AM
Funny how the food police stay out of this & haven't told them to serve fresh veggies in their place of muffins & all the other goodies they are treated to buy OUR tax dollars. Oh yeah, I forgot, it's do as I say with them.......

09-25-2011, 02:20 AM
Funny how the food police stay out of this & haven't told them to serve fresh veggies in their place of muffins & all the other goodies they are treated to buy OUR tax dollars. Oh yeah, I forgot, it's do as I say with them.......

LOL. Muffins are actually a great source of fiber.

09-25-2011, 03:17 AM
Yeah if they're bran muffins & I bet they weren't

09-25-2011, 04:37 AM
Last night on the news I caught Hilton Hotels trying to defend their $16 dollar muffin by saying, ....."but it included jelly".....:lol

09-25-2011, 12:10 PM
Yeah if they're bran muffins & I bet they weren't

Banana Nut Muffins, Blueberry Muffins all good for you in moderate amounts. I can't think of any other kind of muffins.:)

09-25-2011, 12:11 PM
This is outrageous...is it going to change...probably not. :shrug

09-25-2011, 11:16 PM
I like the choc chip ones. Please don't tell me they are good for me :lol

09-26-2011, 12:53 AM
I like the choc chip ones. Please don't tell me they are good for me :lol

Depending on the chocolate, they may be good for you. Also would depend on the flour/grain they used for your proteins. :)

09-26-2011, 05:54 AM
So there just now digging this out, it happened back in 2008-2009. Would be even more interesting to know what they have spent this past year since they have really beefed up the food police.
$121 million, wow.... Actually, if they had used fresh fruits and veggies, it might have been double. It is expensive to eat healthy.

09-26-2011, 06:03 PM
Depending on the chocolate, they may be good for you. Also would depend on the flour/grain they used for your proteins. :)

now stop it! :lol

Jolie Rouge
10-01-2011, 08:13 PM
Government did not pay $16 for muffins after all
By James Vicini, Editing by Todd Eastham | Reuters – Fri, Sep 30, 2011

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government did not pay $16 for each muffin served at a legal conference after all, the Justice Department inspector general's office said on Friday, contradicting an earlier report that caused an uproar.

A spokesman for the office said it had based the $16 muffin on documents showing an invoice from the Capital Hilton Hotel of $4,200, including gratuity and service charge, for 250 muffins at the August 2009 conference in Washington.

The report, released on Sept 20, generated widespread news coverage and prompted President Barack Obama to order federal agencies to review expenses for conferences.

After the report was issued, the Capital Hilton said other food and beverage items, such as coffee, tea and fruit, were included in the charge, according to the spokesman.

While the inspector general's office backed down on the $16 muffins, it said it remained critical of the amount paid for food and beverages as too expensive.

Even if the $4,200 fee included additional food and beverage items, the office still believes, as stated in the report, "that many individual food and beverage items listed on conference invoices and paid by the department were very costly," the spokesman said.



The fox has inspected the hen house and pronounced all is in order.


It still came to $16 +/- for a muffin and some coffee and maybe a small piece or two of fruit. I guess we only got taken for around $2500, not the entire $4200. I feel better knowing that. :rolleyes:


what is really criminal is that these people at the conference were also recieving a per diem of about 71 dollars a day for food. They are well compensated to buy their own food. I have been to many of these conferences and its usually the heavy set individuals eating 2 or 3 muffins while the slender ones watch. They shouldnt be purchasing food for someone already being paid for meals.


Anyone notice there's no mention of the spokesman's name in the article? Hmm. Wonder why? Hey, Reuters! How about a list of everyone who attended that meeting? You know...reporting?

Where I work, if I eat lunch, I either buy it or bring it with me. If I don't, then I don't eat. Free food and beverages, save water, should be banned from being available at every government building and meeting. Elected officials work for US and should pay for every single thing they ingest. Those opposed should relocate to the nearest soup kitchen.


THE MUFFIN CONSPIRACY CONTINUES. Actually they were only $9 each, but with tax, delivery, and tip they totaled $16 EACH.


am I suppose to feel better now????


dozen donuts at Abertson....$5.99. Whats wrong with that? If we can eat them..so can they.


Any amount spent for food was to much, if they were traveling from out of town for Govt. work they were on some type of Per Diem from their parent organization, if they were local they could eat at home. Why does anyone feel theres an obligation to feed people at a conference, it's not the govt. job to make sure their fed they get a paycheck to provide for themselves with. I'm sure the hotel had food services in or nearby.