View Full Version : The Real Housewives of New York City : - 07/14/2011 10:00 PM EDT , BRAVO

07-15-2011, 01:13 PM

What did Ramona say that Mario did, before Alex thanked her guests for coming to the art show?
Made a comment which embarrassed her
Food for Life

What did Cindy do, which Sonja compared to her ex-husband, before saying she wouldn't be inviting Cindy over anymore?
Took a business call during breakfast

What did Sonja tell Cindy say she did from the beginning of their relationship together, before Samantha joined them?
Saw a more "fun" side to her personality

What did Sonja and Ramona do at a gym, while Ramona explained she didn't want to participate in LuAnn's music video?
Walked on a treadmill

What did LuAnn do at a meeting with Jersey and Chris about her music video, before she said she hoped all the women would be in it?
Asked what an abbreviation meant

What did Jill say that those working on LuAnn's music video needed to do, in scenes from an upcoming segment?
Improvise because Kelly left

What did LuAnn say the message in her music video was about, before Jill marveled at the sunset during a shoot?
Finding beauty and elegance within

What did Alex, Sonja, Ramona, and ***** do together when they met with Adrian, after Alex's art part the night before?
Danced inside a studio
True Faith Jewelry

What did Ramona and Mario do, after Sonja talked about the supplements she had been taking?
Rode in a limousine to Brooklyn

What did a group of people do as they posed for a camera to complete LuAnn's music video shoot?
Played a game at a table

What was Jill doing when Sonja said that she couldn't be in LuAnn's music video since she had to be home with her daughter?
Undergoing a medical brain scan


07-15-2011, 11:14 PM
Title of this episode:
Video Killed the Countess