View Full Version : garden

03-10-2011, 06:20 AM
Are you going to have a garden this summer? What kind? Flowers, vegetables? I want to have some hanging tomatoes and some squash and some okra. That sounds like a lot but I am going to put the squash in a large container, maybe 2. I might even try the okra in a container. I have a huge container I can put them in. I bought the hanging tomatoes pots at the end of the season last year but I haven't tried them yet. Any words of advice from those who have tried them?

03-10-2011, 06:49 AM
I want to plant some tomatoes and bell peppers

03-10-2011, 08:06 AM
We garden. We'll have, besides strawberries and raspberries: tomatoes, green beans, beets, spinach, cucumbers, green peppers, jalapeno peppers, potatoes, onions, lettuce, corn, broccoli, brussels sprouts (yuck, the only thing I won't eat), cabbage and maybe carrots this year.

Not a lot of everything but plenty for the two of us and some besides to share with neighbors. We live in a mobile home park and don't have a lot of space for a big garden but still quite a bit.

03-10-2011, 09:03 AM
Will probably plant some tomatoes.

03-10-2011, 10:06 AM
I will definitely miss my garden this year. :sob
It was my way to relax and be outdoors, I really loved watching everything grow.
The landlady here has beautiful flowers & plants & stuff....I asked her when we first moved in if she composts. She didn't have a clue what I was talking about., so I told her, you know coffee grounds, fruit & veggie left overs, egg-shells, she said, no we just throw that stuff in the dumpster. I told her that we had a nice compost heap in Nashville and had glorious vegetable gardens., she told me, well I don't like vegetables. I said, what about strawberries, or tomoatoes, she said No. LOL!
So I think I'm just going to get a few large planters and grow some potatoes, they are easy to grow and practically no labor involved to grow'em., maybe she will see how easy it is and realize that she could grow the vegetables that she likes to eat.

03-10-2011, 12:34 PM
I always have a HUGE garden but I have no idea where I will be moving too so I doubt I can get a garden in in time for summer. I have to figure out a way to take my compost pile with me too! LOL Thats my secret to a wonderful garden, veggie or flowers etc, homemade compost.

03-10-2011, 05:19 PM
Those hanging tomato containers were a total bust for us. They needed to be in the sun so the tomatos...but the sun just rotted the containers out. We followed the directions exactly and just got two straggly tomato plants that didn't produce much fruit. It was a total waste of time and money!!!

03-13-2011, 03:23 PM
lol I was just looking at a seed catalog today deciding what to do this year. My bf always plants tomatoes. Last year I was really happy with the Sweet 100s, so we probably will get those again along with 2 or 3 more tomato plants. May try tomatillo again this year because last year our plant did not fruit but flowered and just grew to a monster size! I have chives from last year looking green and happy in my container outside about 3" tall. I just threw some thyme in a container I just planted outside this week but I had a squirrel digging in it today and I think he just killed them. I have a packet of catmint seeds and the kitties like chewing on the plant so that will get planted. I will have a couple varieties of hot peppers along with one or 2 bell peppers. I did a row of corn last year and everyone got a kick out of just watching it so I may do that again. One or 2 zucchini plants for sure. Some rosemary will be going in. I would like to do a broccoli or a bean plant. I really want one of those little tiny lemon or orange plants/trees. But we will see how crazy I get when I get to buying my plants lol.

03-13-2011, 04:19 PM
Along with the usual tomatoes, bell peppers and watermelon, I'm trying squash, chives, dill, and ASPARAGUS! We're thinking we may have to move this summer so I planted small and in pots on my porch. I'm trying the hanging tomatoes too...I hope it works out.

03-13-2011, 05:26 PM
I want to every year but never do because we have rabbits so bad. They scare me lol.

03-13-2011, 06:52 PM
I would absolutely love to plant a big garden, my mom and dad had 2 when I was growing up. I think it would be to hard though, I have to many critters, deer, rabbits, opossums, raccoons..... I would have to build a fence all the way around, and probably over the top so they wouldn't crawl over.