View Full Version : Who has a smartphone?

02-26-2011, 03:58 PM
I'm at a crossroad. Hubby is wanting me to get a smartphone (he hauls cars, so he is afraid he will break one if he has it). I just can't decide. I guess the big hold back is that I will have to get the data package, which is $30/month extra. I have a laptop with wireless, so why do I need a smartphone? I have seen several instances over the past month where a smartphone would be handy, but I keep thinking of the $30 a month.

Who here has one and do you like it? Is it worth the extra? BTW, I'm with Verizon.

02-26-2011, 08:23 PM
How much is your normal bill every month? I have a blackberry through boost mobile. It costs 60. a month and I love it. My daughter just bought the newest smart phone that verizon makes. Very expensive phone and very expensive plan.... and she hates the phone. I can find out what it is for you if you want to know. Check on the droid for verizon. I think there is a blackberry for verizon also.

02-26-2011, 08:46 PM
I was looking at the Droid and that will probably be what I get if I get one. My bill now is about $120/month for 3 phones. The data package would actually be $23/month for me because I get a 19% discount for being a teacher in Tennessee.

02-26-2011, 09:02 PM
My husband has a blackberry through Sprint (his work pays for unlimited everything!)
He loves it

I have a Loft... I think it is smarter than me.
I have unlimted text and data, with 1200 minutes for $45

02-27-2011, 09:17 AM
I just got the i1 from Boost and unlike the blackberry it is just $ 50.00 per month unlimited service for everything. If you look and they have a Motorola Click it is the same as the i1 except it doesn't have the Nextel direct connect. Before you buy any one of them go in and play with one for a while because some of them are pretty difficult to use. If you want something that is easy to use - get a iphone - however I prefer my i1 over a iphone any day.

02-27-2011, 10:38 AM
Bless you women/and men who can operate these things. I have a phone my daughter gave me, she pays the bill. I think it is an iphone, not sure. It has apps on it and has an apple on the back. It has a fantastic camera in it and the angry bird game. Some of the stuff I can use and some of it I can not because I don't know how. I wish I knew how to do more with it. The little book with it did not explain how to do everything, at least not so I can use it. I know I didn't help much. I love this phone just wish I was smarter.

02-27-2011, 08:31 PM
I was looking at the Droid and that will probably be what I get if I get one. My bill now is about $120/month for 3 phones. The data package would actually be $23/month for me because I get a 19% discount for being a teacher in Tennessee.

That is not a bad price if everything is included.

02-28-2011, 02:44 PM
I need a smartphone for work. It keeps me updated with all the important emails that I can't miss. They're really addicitive.

03-01-2011, 06:48 AM
I have an iPhone...is that considered a smart phone? LOL
I would be LOST without it. Although I could really do without the $$$$$$!

03-01-2011, 10:20 AM
Have you made a decision yet? Go for the iPhone!

03-11-2011, 09:19 PM
OMG! I just got a Smart Phone - The LG Optimus Android.
I can't believe this phone! Its definitely smarter than me!! ;)
There are a trillion free apps to download.
I am truly amazed! Now I know what you guys are tallking about when you say you can't live without yours! :)
I'm still using Virgin Mobile - $25 a month (+tax) for unlimited web, text & 300 anytime minutes. I never use all the minutes as I rarely, if ever talk on the phone.

03-12-2011, 10:29 AM
I still haven't made my mind up! I would love to have one, but I am thinking about the $30/month...$360/ year, lol. I'm a tightwad.

03-12-2011, 10:50 AM
I still haven't made my mind up! I would love to have one, but I am thinking about the $30/month...$360/ year, lol. I'm a tightwad.

Are you under contract right now with a cell phone provider?
How many minutes on average do you usually use a month per phone?

03-12-2011, 08:26 PM
We have the Samsung Captivate. Androids. It's fully hackable and virtually impossible to brick, so my husband puts a new install on his once a week... it's fully geeked... I mean tweaked... I only let him do it to mine once cause I can't keep up w/ the constant change... we love them. Before we got these phones I *never* carried my phone anywhere, all they did was text and make phone calls and I did it so little that I'd just make hubby give me his... but I fell in love w/ this phone after seeing it on display and hubby bought it for me... now I go nowhere w/out it.

03-12-2011, 10:12 PM
I wasn't real excited to get my driod either but now I can't live without it! Love the GPS feature- and always being in touch with my kids. They are upstairs with the headphones one and can't hear me when I yell so I just use the phone to get to them...

05-08-2011, 12:12 PM
Well I finally got a smart phone. I chose a DroidX. I love it so far!!! Hubby got it for my birthday. Thanks for all the opinions.

05-09-2011, 08:01 AM
My youngest son had an Apple iphone which he loved. What he didn't like was the amount AT&T charged him for the monthly data plan which he really didn't need/use. They would not allow him to drop the data plan & keep using his phone. He ended up getting a cheapie phone for now.

My oldest has a Blackberry which he loves. He laos pays $125 a month for his phone. He doesn't have a computer so I guess for him makes sense.

I have a simple prepaid Tracphone which is fine by me. I pay like $20 every 3 months. Now my youngest & his girlfriend's phone plans are done in June & they want me to join a family plan with them. Not usre if I want/need a toy like that.

05-09-2011, 09:54 AM
I had a Blackberry and just got my iPhone which I love love love. I didn't like my BB that much, but love my new iPhone. Some of the apps were similar, but it's the 'toys' that I like which are available on the iPhone only. It is expensive, however...and I definitely made one wrong decision when I went for the 32GB phone. I figured bigger was better, right? My son laughed at me. He said his phone only has 8GB and he has tons more music than I have. Although, he does remove apps he isn't using. Anyway...I will probably never need all 32GB and a 16GB phone would have been sufficient. Oh well...lesson learned.

05-09-2011, 10:07 AM
My youngest son had an Apple iphone which he loved. What he didn't like was the amount AT&T charged him for the monthly data plan which he really didn't need/use. They would not allow him to drop the data plan & keep using his phone. He ended up getting a cheapie phone for now.

My oldest has a Blackberry which he loves. He laos pays $125 a month for his phone. He doesn't have a computer so I guess for him makes sense.

I have a simple prepaid Tracphone which is fine by me. I pay like $20 every 3 months. Now my youngest & his girlfriend's phone plans are done in June & they want me to join a family plan with them. Not usre if I want/need a toy like that.

Do not go on a family plan with them. You will regret it quickly. Trust me on this one - if it is in your name you will end up paying their bill and if it is in the gf's name she can have your service terminated and you have no say in it. If your tracphone works then keep that. I only have a smartphone because the boss wanted one so he got me one too - he also pays the phone bill though. Nice to have the toys but they are not necessary. I would rather have my laptop than my smartphone any day of the week.

05-09-2011, 10:09 AM
You should never believe them when they tell you that things are exclusive to the Iphone... my android can do everything the iphone can (yes, some apps have different names cause apple has done whatever it is they do to make it seem exclusive... but I can find apps to do exactly what iphone apps do quite easily) and is way easier to have it teched (should it come up w/ something my husband can't fix). W/ the exception of one person, everyone we know w/ iphones are disappointed cause something has happened and neither verizon or ATT will tech them... you have to go to the apple store, which, is very far away from where we live... or mail it in. That's pretty inconvenient... mailing your phone in.

At any rate... I have always wanted to buy an older generation Iphone just to have to play with (they do double as ipods and you can play games on it w/out it being active w/ a carrier)... they are certainly fun little gadgets, but I could never give up my droid!

05-09-2011, 10:40 AM
Yeah, I love my Droid!
Plus, I love Virgin Mobile, you can't beat unlimted internet & text messaging for $25 a month!

05-09-2011, 11:02 AM
My unlimited internet with Verizon turned out to be $23/month because I get a discount for being a Tennessee teacher of 19%. I didn't think that would apply to internet, but it did. Yay! I love this Droid and I really didn't think I would get this attached to it so quickly, lol.

05-09-2011, 11:23 AM
Trust me Sandy I am not doing this option, maybe if it was only in my son's name but trust me I have watched enough Judge Judy episodes to not entangle myself with cell phone drama. When my job gets to the point where I need one, then I will get one.

Kelsey, download Pat The Kitty app, it's free. You rub his tummy & he purrs, give him milk, smack him & he falls down. You can also talk to him & he repeats everything you say. It is such a great stress reliever.

05-09-2011, 11:50 AM
I had a Blackberry and just got my iPhone which I love love love. I didn't like my BB that much, but love my new iPhone. Some of the apps were similar, but it's the 'toys' that I like which are available on the iPhone only. It is expensive, however...and I definitely made one wrong decision when I went for the 32GB phone. I figured bigger was better, right? My son laughed at me. He said his phone only has 8GB and he has tons more music than I have. Although, he does remove apps he isn't using. Anyway...I will probably never need all 32GB and a 16GB phone would have been sufficient. Oh well...lesson learned.

What I meant was that these toys are available on iPhone which weren't available on my Blackberry. Yes, I do know that Droid also has an endless list of apps which often mirror what is available on the iPhone.

05-09-2011, 04:26 PM
What I meant was that these toys are available on iPhone which weren't available on my Blackberry. Yes, I do know that Droid also has an endless list of apps which often mirror what is available on the iPhone.

I'm sorry, Kelsey... I was not trying to sound like I was attacking you.. I was just making conversation.

05-10-2011, 08:13 AM
I'm talking to all of you on my smart phone
So yes it's worth it
My phone is an I Phone 3GS
I'm getting a 4 in june

05-10-2011, 08:49 AM
I'm sorry, Kelsey... I was not trying to sound like I was attacking you.. I was just making conversation.

Not a problem, I didn't feel attacked. My first post didn't accurately reflect what I meant to say. It's all good!

05-12-2011, 01:36 PM
I was really slow to upgrade to a smart phone but now, like many others, I don't know how I lived without one up until now. Even my parents upgraded to smart phones. I didn't think they would use it other than calling people but to each their own: my dad checks Amazon and reads the Bible on his and my mom started video chatting with her friends. MetroPCS has some really good deals if you are worried about price, I use T-Mobile myself with unlimited data.