View Full Version : The Simpsons- How Munched Is That Birdie in the Window?

02-21-2011, 12:03 AM
What did Bart do to Santa's Little Helper in Dr. Thurston's office, before Dr. Thurston said they should give away Santa's Little Helper?
- Leaned forward to give him a hug

What did Homer do with the ostrich, after Bart strangled it while Santa's Little Helper stood by and watched?
- Tied it to the top of the car

What did Milhouse do to Bart, before Bart said it was "too soon" to forgive him?
- Broke his toy race car in half

What did Mr. Burns do, after he received a message from Bart's carrier pigeon in his office?
- Performed a ballet routine while he was naked
-- OxyContin

What did Nelson say his mother did, when Bart noticed that he was not in the mood to make fun of Bart for caring about a pigeon?
- Ran away with his birthday clown

What did an ostrich do, after Bart asked for a moment alone with Santa's Little Helper at the ostrich farm?
- Snatched Homer's cell phone

What did the owner of the injured pigeon say his 200 birds wanted to do, when Lisa spoke with him on the phone?
- Sit in the front seat with him

What did Principal Skinner encourage Homer and Marge to do, after he said that Bert lacked enthusiasm in his pranks since his pigeon died?
- Argue only when in front of him

04-24-2011, 11:43 PM
repeat at 6 pm