View Full Version : Claustrophobia

02-13-2011, 02:46 PM
Are you claustrophobic?

I am, extremely!

I was on a travel forum, looking up stuff for my NYC trip and a lady has posted about her claustrophobia, that she can't even take elevators.
I usually have no problem with elevators, as long as I have enough room to move, like 5-6 people., but if there are any more people than that I get off and wait for the next one.

When my dad was in the hospital and dying, I flew down to Tampa and low-and-behold (or corse) there was a lightning storm as soon as we landed, so the ground-crew wasn't able to come out and taxi the plane., I started freaking out., hyperventilating, it took all my will not to run to the nearest exit and pull the emergency exit slide., but I knew that I most certainly would be arrested for it., so I called my sister on the plane-phone and told her I couldn't get off the plane, so she called the airline and told them our father could die at any moment and I HAD to get off the plane., thankfully about 10minutes later a flight-attendant came up to my seat and asked if there was somewhere I needed to be., I said YES! and minutes later we were at the gate.

I have to say that being claustrophobic is my only real fear., I have no fear of heights, I actually love heights. I love to climb things, I love to jump off things., but being in a closed space., OMG I don't want to think about it.

My worst fear about my trip to NYC is being on a packed subway & it stopping., like that episode of Seinfeld where Elaine gets stuck on a crowded subway. That's my worst nightmare.

02-13-2011, 03:03 PM
Yes, I am. As a child we used to wrap each other in blankets like a tube and carry each other around with one having each end. Now I am so afraid. I had to have an MRI before they had the open ones and I had to put a towel across my face and keep my eyes shut. Yes I am very much so.

02-14-2011, 07:08 AM
I am terribly claustrophobic. It even extends to water although I am a strong swimmer. I have to feel very controlled to be able to swim comfortably. I can talk myself through a lot if I have advance warning (like an MRI) but something sudden panics me. My own personal hell turned out to be a Neti pot. Thought I was going to die. Even though it wasn't closed in I had the exact same feeling. Elavators don't bother me but shut a closet door when I am inside and I turn into a quivering, sobbing mass of fear.

02-14-2011, 07:47 AM
Have you ever been to New York? I would highly suggest you take the esculators if you go to the big stores like Macy's, Bloomies & Saks. Those elevators are crammed like a can of sardines.
Have a great trip.

02-14-2011, 01:12 PM
Have you ever been to New York? I would highly suggest you take the esculators if you go to the big stores like Macy's, Bloomies & Saks. Those elevators are crammed like a can of sardines.
Have a great trip.

No, it's my first trip. I have no interest in shopping., so I'll be ok in that arena.
I was looking forward to going up to the crown in the Statue of Liberty, but they are sold out the day I want to go, so I'm almost grateful that I can't go to the crown, because I hear that its very tight up there & I could imagine getting half way up and freaking out.

I only plan on going to the Top Of The Rock., but these days, modern elevators are pretty fast, so I don't think I'll have an issue if its crowded., plus I'll have my best-friend with me to make me laugh in case I start to freak out.

02-14-2011, 04:06 PM
It depends on the situation. Elevators I don't like if there are a lot of people on them. But I have had 4 closed MRI's and that didn't bother me. My boss had never had a problem with it until he went for a MRI and he crawled out of that tube in about a nano second. Scared the tech half to death. She couldn't get back in there to let him out quickly enough.

02-14-2011, 05:32 PM
No, it's my first trip. I have no interest in shopping., so I'll be ok in that arena.
I was looking forward to going up to the crown in the Statue of Liberty, but they are sold out the day I want to go, so I'm almost grateful that I can't go to the crown, because I hear that its very tight up there & I could imagine getting half way up and freaking out.

I only plan on going to the Top Of The Rock., but these days, modern elevators are pretty fast, so I don't think I'll have an issue if its crowded., plus I'll have my best-friend with me to make me laugh in case I start to freak out.

There is a really good seafood restaurant about 2 blocks from 30 Rock which is excellent & has a fixed price menu. It is called City Lobster.

02-14-2011, 07:27 PM
There is a really good seafood restaurant about 2 blocks from 30 Rock which is excellent & has a fixed price menu. It is called City Lobster.

Thanks for the tip.:) I'll have to check it out.
Besides the museums, the Statue of Liberty & Top of The Rock I want to steer clear of touristy stuff.
I'm staying on the Upper West Side for most my time there, then one night on the Upper East Side (spent my airline miles on a swanky-hotel).

02-15-2011, 07:59 AM
Thanks for the tip.:) I'll have to check it out.
Besides the museums, the Statue of Liberty & Top of The Rock I want to steer clear of touristy stuff.
I'm staying on the Upper West Side for most my time there, then one night on the Upper East Side (spent my airline miles on a swanky-hotel).

Good for you...nothing better than a swanky hotel room. I was able to afford that one time in my life. My ds & his g/f went to NYC for the day last summer. They did the red tourist bus tour & went to MOMA. In April they are going for the car show & in July they are going to the Guggeheim. They already went to the Empire State Building which they weren't thrilled about. Both had already vistied the Statue of Liberty on school trips.
I'll probably end up going on a bus trip this summer with my girlfriend but we focus on our favorite New York destinations; Macy's, Bloomies & Saks. She has already said we are doing City Lobster again.

02-16-2011, 11:00 AM
I am terribly claus. also. When we went to sea world, they had us walk in a tube underwater thru and aquariam, I about freaked.

02-16-2011, 12:17 PM
One of my biggest freak-outs was at Adventure Island Water Park, they had this "new" ride, it was just a giant tube slide, where you are encased in a tube, going down it., the water was all splashing up in my face and I couldn't breathe, then I tried to lift myself up and banged my head, I thought I was going to die in there. OMG! It was horrible!!!

Urban Cowgirl
02-16-2011, 02:39 PM
Only slightly claustrophobic......but you want to see me have a panic attack....I cannot do bridges.....little ones are ok.....but any length at all and I freak!

02-17-2011, 09:37 AM
I am and it's horrible. I'm 6'4 and I need high ceilings.