View Full Version : South Park- Cripple Fight!

02-11-2011, 03:12 PM
Big Gay Al becomes the boys' troop leader; a new kid steals Timmy's spotlight.

What did Jimmy do at the scouts meeting to entertain everyone?
- Told standup comedy jokes

What did the court justice do to the scout elders after rendering his judgement in the case?
- Ordered them put into stocks

What did the children decide to do after speaking to Big Gay Al at his house?
Obtain signatures for a petition

What did the new scout master order the children to do when they arrived for their first meeting together?
- Pose for explicit photographs

What did Cartman do after Timmy and Jimmy started to fight in the supermarket parking lot?
- Screamed into a crowded church

What did Timmy to do Jimmy to get him thrown out of scouts?
- Cropped him into a sexual photo

What did Stan do on the ride back from the scout meeting that caused Randy to scream at him?
- Called Cartman a silly goose

What did Timmy do when he met Jimmy on the street?
- Gave him a jacket as a present

In a commercial during this show, what appeared in a cartoon environment and admired a wireless device that was described as possessing both "beauty and brains"?
One-eyed purple creature that picked a flower for it
A new Windows phone from Samsung

12-06-2011, 05:13 PM
repeat at 7 pm