View Full Version : Do you have formal china?

01-31-2011, 02:50 PM
When dh and I got married we were so young and so poor formal china was the furthest thing on our minds -- after we were married a while my mother gave me her old set which isn't anything special other than it's sentimental value - I displayed it for a while and realized I'm not really a "formal china kinda girl" -- my china cabinet has all kinds of odds and ends in it but no fancy china unless you count the Holly Hobbie plates

01-31-2011, 02:55 PM
closest thing i have to formal china is, anything that isn't paper

01-31-2011, 03:02 PM
Yep. It is actually from my first marriage, but I didn't unpack it until my current hubby (of 33 years) and I got married. I actually got it because my first husband was in the navy...and our best man went to Vietnam. At our request, when he had shore leave in Japan, he ordered the complete set for me. Cost him around $80...LOL. It's Mikasa...complete place setting for 12 with service pieces and everything. I only lost one cup and chipped the creamer in the 1994 Northridge earthquake.

My 'every day' dishes are Johnson Bros Summer Chintz pattern...also china. And, I also own a complete set of Christmas dishes which are china.

I definitely am a 'china kind of girl'!!

01-31-2011, 03:12 PM
Nope, never have, never will....no need.

01-31-2011, 03:14 PM
I have bavarian china that my father brought back from Germany in the 50s for my mom.

01-31-2011, 03:17 PM
Yep, all my dishes are china. Says so on the back.

Oh wait, that says ''made in china'' :lol

01-31-2011, 03:26 PM
When my mom died I inherited hers (which means I took it :)). We have used it once or twice, but I LOVE having it.

01-31-2011, 04:10 PM
Yes, I do. I got it when we got married. But, honestly, who wants it? We were poorer than church mice and could have used anything else, even food. But we got place setting of china for 12 and silver for 8. We also got all kinds of other silver and china stuff. I was only 18, and didn't have sense enough to take it all back. My , My all that money. I have told my daughter in law she can have 6 place settings and one of my daughters can have the other 6 place settings. They have never bothered to take it. My other daughter got my moms settings for 12. I have never used it. I don't imagine I will.

01-31-2011, 04:50 PM
Yes, I have Lenox bone china for 12 and Gorham Crystal as well from my wedding. It's in my China closet, we've used it, but I'm waiting for the kids to get a bit older before we use it more often.

I also have porcelain "china" that I use on semi-formal occassions. That I purchased myself when I was a teen...it gives a nice presentation....I purchased it from the supermarket where I worked, heavily discounted with receipts! :lol No one would ever know looking at it. ;)

01-31-2011, 04:52 PM
I have tons of it. I have my Mom's maternal Grandmothers and my Dad's maternal Grandmothers sets. Can I say up to my ears in useless plates and stuff. Not to mention I have 12 place settings of each along with crystal and silverware. Thankfully I didn't get any of my 2 Grandmothers china. I will end up with my Mom's also - like I need any more of it.

Funny part is I am single and have more china than 90% of my married friends.

01-31-2011, 06:57 PM
I got our set at a Antique Store after we got married. They are totally vintage, straight out of the 50s with a Mod / Atomic design. We don't eat on them. Maybe next time for the holidays I'll remember to bust them out & use them.

Jolie Rouge
01-31-2011, 09:23 PM
I have DH's grandmother's wedding china - pre Depression era; and my mother's wedding crystal - circa 1945. We were poor college students and got stoneware - none of which survived. Now I have a set from a yard sale and plastic McDonald's for everyday. Can't recall the last time I broke out "the good stuff"...

01-31-2011, 09:46 PM
Nope... and really, I have no desire to own any either... I don't honestly know anyone I would trust to use China, including myself... I'm a total Klutz.

01-31-2011, 10:32 PM
yeah I have some we bought right before we married.I've used it a couple of times in the last 39 years. Get it out every once in a while wash it and put it back in the cabinet.lol Mine is the fine bone china in the nobility pattern

02-01-2011, 06:58 AM
Yes, I have a beautiful set of China. My mom gave my sister and I a complete set -service of twelve. She brought it from France when she came to the US. Now, do I use it? No, it's packed away neatly inside my cedar chest lol

02-01-2011, 07:41 AM
No, I would not go out and get a set to buy myself. I guess the only way I'd have a set is if it was handed down to me sentimental through family.
I'm not a "dantey" kind of girl, I would rather use pottery.

02-01-2011, 08:08 AM
I have a 8 piece set that we got many years ago when we went to the Poconos on one of those timeshare things. They gave us a set for coming up. It is still in the box, never used. I did look to see if I could add to it but it is no longer made and I couldn't find enough replacement pieces to make it larger.
I have a set of pfaltgraff tea rose that I use for special occasions.

02-01-2011, 08:37 AM
I have one nice set and also a Christmas set. I like using it and it makes it special for the kids. They like to dress up and use manners and eat fancy food (their terms), it's great practice.

02-01-2011, 09:17 AM
i have dh's grandmother's wedding china - pre depression era; and my mother's wedding crystal - circa 1945. We were poor college students and got stoneware - none of which survived. Now i have a set from a yard sale and plastic mcdonald's for everyday. Can't recall the last time i broke out "the good stuff"...

lol, i have a set that was bought in hong kong, while my husband was overseas...you can't replace it now, because
hong kong is now apart of china...now it just sits there, in my china cabinet oogling me, while i drink out of my
mcdonald's cups!!! My hoya crystal doesn't have a chance to see the light of day! Lmbo!


02-01-2011, 10:46 AM
Pull out that china, folks!!! You absolutely should be eating on it at least occasionally! We do use ours for special occasions...and as I posted earlier, my every day dishes are also china. At Christmas, I cycle out the regular china and put my Christmas china in the china cabinet. But, I keep out enough pieces for us to eat on it throughout the month as well.

We all deserve to eat on china at least once in a while!

02-01-2011, 10:54 AM
I have a 8 piece set that we got many years ago when we went to the Poconos on one of those timeshare things. They gave us a set for coming up. It is still in the box, never used. I did look to see if I could add to it but it is no longer made and I couldn't find enough replacement pieces to make it larger. I have a set of pfaltgraff tea rose that I use for special occasions.

This site is a little bit expensive, but they have almost everything.... http://www.replacements.com/ Give it a try to at least look, you may be surprised.

Also, I have a set of silverware that my FIL gave us where he bought it off a friend of his. It was only for 8 and the pattern was long "discontinued" but I needed more. Replacements had them, but they were a bit pricey for each piece. I found so much of it on ebay for real cheap! Now I think I have a complete set with many serving pieces for 16.

Once you figure out your pattern, also search ebay. ;)

For example, here's mine still available: http://search.replacements.com/texis/search?order=ClientCount-d&query=1847 rogers leilani http://shop.ebay.com/i.html?_nkw=leilani+fork&_sacat=0&_odkw=leilani&_osacat=0&_trksid=p3286.c0.m270.l1313

Big savings on ebay.

02-01-2011, 11:16 AM
I bought a set for 12 way before I met my Ex husband. 2 or 3 times a year i would purchase 1 place setting. I haven't used them in about 10 years. Now my Mom is thinking about moving in with me however the one thing she wants to take with her is her china. I guess I'll put mine up in the attic if one of my sons ever wants it.
I am more of a plastic take-out kind of girl now. Weird how your life changes once you divorce & your kids grow up. I maintain that if GOD wanted me to cook he would not have invented take-out & Lean Cusine. Now of the boy is home for dinner (which he seldom is) then one of us does cook.

Jolie Rouge
02-01-2011, 04:36 PM
Pull out that china, folks!!! You absolutely should be eating on it at least occasionally! We do use ours for special occasions...and as I posted earlier, my every day dishes are also china. At Christmas, I cycle out the regular china and put my Christmas china in the china cabinet. But, I keep out enough pieces for us to eat on it throughout the month as well.

I wish I had a China Cabinet to display it ... and it is too much trouble to pull out of the attic. :(

02-01-2011, 05:23 PM
My formal china is actually my Mom's. I dont like to use it because it cannot go in the dishwasher (LOL) and is very $$$$$. I forget who made it but it has very small delicate daisies around it with green vines (very small) and then a real silver band. She got service for 24 as a wedding gift!!!! Yeah, I have a TON of it. I have a really nice china cabinet that I display it in. I still have boxes of it in storage though.

02-01-2011, 06:51 PM
I went to a bridal show before I got married and won a 4 piece place setting of Royal Prestige china. I also won a rental of Candelabras, etc. so I won a lot of things but not the cruise. Then I found an 8 piece set of Royal Prestige china at Goodwill but it wasn't my pattern, all for 20 dollars.

I have one piece of my grandmother's china. My aunt decided to break up the set when grandma died and gave a piece to each sibling. I guess it stopped the arguing over who would get it.

02-01-2011, 07:23 PM
Nope. I don't buy stuff to collect dust & that goes unused. It's a big waste of money & space.

02-02-2011, 12:58 PM
I inherited my maternal grandmother's china. My mother gave it to me as a house warming gift a year after we bought the house. She was thinking about it for a while. I was very close to my grandmother. It was the perfect gift

02-02-2011, 01:05 PM
Yup! I keep it in china cabinent. It was a big waste of money. You end up spending all that money just for it to sit there. Never again.