View Full Version : Just Married; TBS

01-10-2011, 01:53 AM
Just Married; TBS

Synopsis: Two newlyweds deal with meddling friends, disapproving families and bad luck while honeymooning in Europe.

What did Tom do in their honeymoon suite when he plugged in Sarah's wedding gift to charge?
Short-circuited the entire hotel

what did Tom do while he and Sarah were driving to their hotel?
Complained about size of car

What did Tom do to the maitre d' at the hotel after inquiring about his wife's whereabouts?
Paid him money for every answer he gave

What did Tom and Sarah do while trying to take each other's cloths off in the hotel room at the Pensione Funicello?
Went through the wall

What did Tom do while trying to get comfortable to go to sleep in the rental car?
Ripped steering wheel out

what did Tom do while he was live at the radio station?
Spoke of failed marriage

What did Sarah tell Lauren right before walking down the isle?
Wasn't able to "live a lie"

What did Tom do when he and Sarah went into the airplane bathroom together?
Got his sneaker stuck in toilet

What did Sarah do while talking to Tom about marriage being build on "honesty and trust"?
Caught him hiding his "flaring nostrils"

What did Tom do after he drove Sarah to her parent's house?
Hit several flower plants

What did Tom do in Sarah's room after her father came in to speak with her?
Hid behind window curtains

What did Tom do after Yuan refused to let him inside to speak with Sarah?
Attempted to ram the gates

02-20-2011, 01:14 AM