View Full Version : Weight Watchers Question

01-01-2011, 10:31 AM
Hello Guys! I know it has been FOR-EV-ER since you heard from me...but i have a question..and after all this time..you are the first i think off...

I have to make a change in my life!! And NO! not because it is a new year..i have been playing with this idea for a looooong time now...
After almost 30 years of hating my body, exercising, dieting trying to eat right and bla bla bla..(i know some of you know what I mean) I want to learn how to eat right!
Not diet..eat right! I tried to do it on my own...and it is not working...I am a person who needs guidance.
I went to the gym almost every day...had a body I could live with and everything went to ****s (sorry) when we had orders to go to Texas..I can't stand it here..it's too hot to do stuff outside..my hubby bought me a elliptical trainer which I used..but then my eating habits got out of hand...now..i am heavier than I ever was and done with all this..

Now..to my question..do any of you have info, insight, experience or anything you want to share with me about the WW program?
Does it work?
Is it worth it?
will it help me to finally develop a healthy eating habit?

Any info is appreciated..
Thanks so much!!

01-01-2011, 11:17 AM
My mom uses WW and it has helped her. She doesn't use the online site but found a WW book that uses points for what she can eat everyday. It isn't so much a diet as it helps you learn what to eat and how much is good for you. It goes by your height and weight. Hope this helps a little and good luck to you. If you want to know where she found the book let me know and I will ask her.

01-01-2011, 12:35 PM
This is pretty much what I want...to learn how to eat and do it right...Thanks so much unimom4

Anybody else have any input?

01-01-2011, 01:21 PM
Yes ww teaches portion control and the correct foods to choose. One good ww book can guide you for life.

01-01-2011, 01:45 PM
I am planning on going to meetings..since I want a little guidance before I do it by myself..

Do you know what you will get when you get to the meetings?

01-01-2011, 02:36 PM
Check out www.sparkpeople.com It is free and offers a lot of guidance. You can get meal plans and exercise plans. Good luck to you. :)

01-01-2011, 06:22 PM
ww works like this: (go to www.weightwatchers.com) It takes your height,weight, and sex and figures up how many points you can have each day. Each food is worth X amount of points. Fruits is a free food, so you can eat as much as you want of that, and most veggies, with the exception of the starcy ones. It is really important that you weigh and measure your foods in ww, as that tells you how many points you are eating. It is a very easy program. Jennifer Hudson is on ww, and she is a size 6 now.

01-02-2011, 10:48 AM
At your first meeting, they will have you weigh-in (no, weight is not shared with others lol) This helps you to see the results from week to week. They will give you the materials you will need to get you started on the program whether you go with the points or the core program. The meetings are mostly to help keep you motivated. They will offer recipes and tips to help you. It's a great way to get together with others to find out things that have helped them. My mother-in-law was a meeting leader for years. She still gets cards from some of the ladies that were in her group 20 years ago.

01-02-2011, 01:26 PM
At your first meeting, they will have you weigh-in (no, weight is not shared with others lol) This helps you to see the results from week to week. They will give you the materials you will need to get you started on the program whether you go with the points or the core program. The meetings are mostly to help keep you motivated. They will offer recipes and tips to help you. It's a great way to get together with others to find out things that have helped them. My mother-in-law was a meeting leader for years. She still gets cards from some of the ladies that were in her group 20 years ago.

They do not have core anymore, it is called pointsplus. They have totally changed the program.

01-03-2011, 12:05 PM
They do not have core anymore, it is called pointsplus. They have totally changed the program.

Sorry, my bad. They still did when my son was going to meetings last year.

01-04-2011, 05:19 AM
Thanks for all the info!! I decided I will go ...they have meetings on Wednesdays and I really want to check it out..I know it helped tons of people before..I hope I can add myself to the list!!

Thanks again..you guys helped a lot!!

01-06-2011, 03:32 PM
So...how was your first meeting? I've been on several plans over my life and WW is truly the best. If you stick with the program and are faithful about going to meetings, I think it works well.

They also have an online site where you can pay your dues electronically and do everything online. It worked really well for my daughter who didn't have that much weight to lose in the first place. However, I find that having the live meetings kept me more accountable. However, if your dues are current, you can use the online site as it is full of lots of hints, a message board, etc.

01-06-2011, 06:34 PM
I no longer use the on line ww plan. Does anyone know how to stop them from charging me and getting off their role? I have several different names and I can't fiind which one I used last?

01-07-2011, 08:45 AM
Yes I went to the first meeting and pay monthly with automatically includes the online tools. It sounds ok..even though I have done something similar before..
I think the hardest for me would be finding recipes to use for the whole family...my son is a very picky eater..
But I think if you follow it..there should not be a problem..i will keep you guys updated!!

Thanks again for all the info!!!

01-07-2011, 10:36 AM
The online site has lots of recipes posted. When I was on WW...my husband just ending up following the plan. He does all the cooking so just cooked things using the WW guidelines. It truly didn't make that big of a difference. With you, you will just be doing portion control, but you should be able to adjust some of your regular recipes for the rest of the family.

There are numerous WW cookbooks out there. They probably sell a couple where you have the meeting. But, you can go online or to your local bookstore and find some as well. Plus...as I said, the online site has recipes as well.