View Full Version : Our poor baby

12-22-2010, 12:19 PM
Reggie is a 6 yr old min pin and he was so sick. He went to the vet yesterday and to the tune of $265 we found out he has pancreatitis. The vet said he ate something bad. I've got to find out more about it. I don't know if it was spoiled food or something bad for dogs. He is better already but I honestly thought he was going to die he was so listless, wouldn't eat or drink. He was dehydrated and it happened so fast. They treated him and he was better by the time he came home. He bit a vet helper and my husband. The vet said my husband's bite was just a warning ,not a real bite. He has to be picked up a certain way or he gets upset about it. He loves my husband more than anyone else so he must have been very miserable.

12-22-2010, 05:06 PM
Poor baby. I hope he recovers soon!

12-22-2010, 05:11 PM
Poor baby. That is very painful for them. I have heard that feeding them too much fatty table scraps can cause it.

12-22-2010, 05:24 PM
You need to be on a constant vigil to make sure he ONLY eats the proper dog food - NO SCRAPS of any kind. Your Vet should have suggested what food to feed him and watch the dog treats too. My Uncle's weimaraner has that and it is VERY painful and let me tell you $ 265.00 is CHEAP for a Vet bill they have spent a few thousand just to find out what it was. They also tell anyone that comes into their home not to feed the dog anything for fear she will get ill again. As long as she sticks to her dog food and some treats she is ok.

12-22-2010, 10:14 PM
My smallest poodle has pancreatitis (or had it... does it ever go away)... it scared the crap out of me when he started pooing blood and he had a high fever and was miserable. Turns out, it was the cheap crap treats I had bought for the three of them. So he is no longer allowed any table food (which we don't do anyways, except for popcorn) and the only treats he can have are flavorless rawhide. He's also on a specific diet and we don't ever change it. Yours was a lot cheaper than mine... mine was 600 bucks and I was scared to death my husband would refuse to pay it... turns out he loves the dogs more than he lets on.

Anyways, so now I know when someone feeds him something he shouldn't have cause he'll quit eating and get diarrhea. I just make sure he stays hydrated and let him have some soft food when he's ready for it (prescription canned food, btw... it's not cheap). As long as he eats w/in 24 hours then I don't have to take him in... but if he doesn't then he goes.

Hope your baby feels better soon!