View Full Version : Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - Rescue; 12/01/2010 09:00 PM EST , NBC

12-02-2010, 02:27 AM
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit : Rescue; 12/01/2010 09:00 PM EST , NBC

Synopsis: Detective Stabler notices Detective Benson bonding with Calvin, the young boy left in her care; Detectives Fin and Munch are asked to investigate when Calvin's mother's (Maria Bello) name comes up during a rape investigation.

What did Benson say Calvin Arliss did that caused her to "flake" on taking down Clark Tinta?
Got into a fight at school

What did Jill say she did during her party to Katelyn Lamark, that caused her to panic after seeing blood?
Shoved her into a mirror

What did Stabler say Vivian Arliss may have been doing at the Donoho's open house?
Looking for prescription drugs

What did Sarah tell Fin she and Vivian Arliss did, after meeting her in rehab eight years ago?
Realized they were soul mates

What did Danny do while Jill was cleaning up at her own party?
Asked for a black marker

What did Munch say Katelyn Lamark did after her "Lay List" was leaked on the Internet?
Lost her job due to negative publicity

What software did Fin mention before Munch said Katelyn Lamark lost her job due to negative publicity after her "Lay List" was leaked on the Internet?
Microsoft PowerPoint

What did Benson do while confronting Vivian Arliss in a condemned house about Walter Burlock?
Tossed aside a pair of scissors

What did Vivian Arliss tell Benson and Stabler she did to kill Walter Burlock?
Hit him with a frying pan

What did Calvin Arliss do, after Vivian Arliss forced him to leave Benson and go to Vermont?
Ran and gave her a hug

What did Clark Tinta do, after Benson asked him and Mike O'Doole about Katelyn Lamark's death?
Claimed to be behind on paperwork

12-15-2010, 03:08 AM
What was Benson doing, before Calvin Arliss asked her whether his mother was dead or not?
Making a sandwich for his lunch

What Jason Gamble tell Stabler a man did, after shooting Sarah three times?
Leaned and spat in her face

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