View Full Version : $40~~~~~ 90-minute Focus Group on cheeses (Skwared)

11-08-2010, 09:57 PM
The survey will be start promptly at 7:00 PM Eastern time, on November 10, 2010, and will last 90 minutes. Participants will get a $40 Amazon.com gift card for their participation.

Please take a moment and complete the following screening survey, and we will contact you within the next few days, if you qualify. If you do not hear back from us you did not qualify for this study. Please try again next time.

Here is a link to join maybe that will help.

11-08-2010, 10:38 PM
Thanks. The links isn't working.


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You could click your browser's Back button, and retry the action that landed you here.

If that doesn't work, wait a couple of minutes and try again.

If it still doesn't work, you can give us a call at (877) 968-3996.