View Full Version : UFO's

10-15-2010, 07:22 AM
I guess everyone has been reading about the recently released information about UFO's and what the army and pilots and others with close encounters have said.
I would love to read a book about all of it. I am a firm believer of it. The reason this is here is because my husband and I saw a UFO. It hovered and sat down on the road right in front of us. We were in a small bug VW. We actually had to come to a stop on the road to keep from driving right into it. It was less than the distance of a football field from us. It was very exciting and weird. We weren't scaired like we normally should have been. It was like a large biscuit shape with blue and green vapors coming from it. It sat there for a good 3 minutes then it just went up and turned and flew away. We drove on home. This is true. We saw this. It was about 1974. I would love to hear or read other experiences. Anyone know of a good book about it? I once had a good book about the one that landed in Pascaula, where the fishermen were taken up in the ship. Several of them later committed suicide. I've very interested in UFO's and this has so much impact on so much.
It even makes you think of what you think about God, the creation of earth and UFO's. Where are they from? Were they also created by our God? It really makes me think.

10-15-2010, 08:02 AM
I saw a UFO once. When I was in the Navy, driving back to base on I4, just outside Orlando. I have driven that stretch of highway a zillion times, and one night there was a purple disc in the sky., I followed it for a few miles, then it just disappeared.
A few days later, I was driving that same route again, listening to the radio, this time it was in the morning, the radio had callers calling in saying they saw the same Unidentified Flying Object in that same area.
As far as God & all that, I believe that we are all aliens, that we were brought here years ago from other planets. Read the book Chariots of The Gods.

10-15-2010, 11:27 AM
My cousin is part of France's UFO agency. He has written many books and even has his own radio show (although I am not sure his radio show is about UFO's). I thought he was a "crack pot" (not really but he is kind of weird LOL) until I saw an object in the sky I couldnt identify and later found out there were many sightings around that same time reported. It was a disc like shape, flew back and forth and then just hovered in one spot for quite a long time. No sound. It all does make you wonder!

10-15-2010, 05:04 PM
I believe in them, and have seen one. I think that we would be very smug to assume that we are the only intelligent life in the whole huge universe. (They may be even more intelligent than us.)

10-16-2010, 09:37 AM
I saw a UFO once. When I was in the Navy, driving back to base on I4, just outside Orlando. I have driven that stretch of highway a zillion times, and one night there was a purple disc in the sky., I followed it for a few miles, then it just disappeared.
A few days later, I was driving that same route again, listening to the radio, this time it was in the morning, the radio had callers calling in saying they saw the same Unidentified Flying Object in that same area.
As far as God & all that, I believe that we are all aliens, that we were brought here years ago from other planets. Read the book Chariots of The Gods.

Where in Orlando? And how long ago - I know it had to be a while back since the Navy was in Orlando. Very interesting.

10-17-2010, 08:15 AM
Where in Orlando? And how long ago - I know it had to be a while back since the Navy was in Orlando. Very interesting.
I was stationed in Jacksonville at the time. I grew up in St.Pete, so any chance I got to go home, I would bolt down I95 to I4 to home. Where I saw the UFO was outside Deltona, just after that last I4 exit before Daytona, that stretch of road thats a good 20 miles to I95, right before that old creepy rest-stop. BTW ~ I went to boot camp in Orlando in 93., miss those days. Screw Baldwin Park!!!!!

10-17-2010, 09:18 AM
Can anyone tell me the names of some of the books? If you don't want to mention your cousin's name , maybe you can name some other books. Thanks I am looking for books yall have read. Some of them are dull and I don't wnat one like that. Thanks