View Full Version : American Dad- A Jones for a Smith

10-15-2010, 12:15 AM
What did Steve do in class that Jeanine thought was cute?
- Made a disseced frog dance like a puppet

What did Stan do after smoking drugs from a pipe while at the CIA?
- Ran through an obstable course

What did Roger, as "Fantasia Lopez", do as he talked about going to pick up food stamps?
- Dragged a chain a baby dolls

What did Steve tell his family that Jeanine's dad wanted to do, before Stan commented on his cold making him cranky?
- Invite them over dinner

What did a group of people do, regarding Stan, two weeks after Stan arrized in Columbia?
- Helped a little boy rob him

What did Malcolm Hathaway do when Stan refused to come out of Greg and Terry's home?
- Sent in a little boy as a hostage

What did Stan say, during his intervention, it was "super fun" to do while he was on drugs?
- Walk around Roger's wigs

What did Stan refuse to do after telling Francine she shouldn't wear clothes she couldn't manage?
- Help Hayley as she choked

10-24-2010, 11:30 PM
repeat at 7:30 pm